Page 54 of Damon
“Just a sharp knife,” I reply, and Hunter grins.
“Good choice,” he tells me, walking toward me and handing over his small, sharp blade. “Now, peel the apple.” I take it from him willingly, holding the black leather handle between my tense fingers. My focus moves to the man I plan to dismember as I walk over to him then lean down so we are nose to nose. I hold the blade up, prodding the tip at the base of his throat.
“Connie was my wife. You took her from me, from our daughter and from her friends on the word of a man you didn’t even know.” Jed narrows his eyes. Bruising is appearing around his throat and blood pours from his feet. “I’ll never get true justice for her death, but I’m going to fucking enjoy this.”
“They want the other one too.” He grins. “The blonde one you have at home, Chief Constable. You’ll lose her next.” I’m slightly startled by his knowledge of my identity but remain impassive. “All of you, hold whoever you love close, because you’ll lose them one by one.” He chortles. “It’s not even about money anymore. It’s because you’re all fucking pains in the ass, asking questions and getting in the way. I hope they take everything you love from every last one of you.”
“Won’t be a problem for me,” Hunter says calmly. “I love no one, and I’ll protect the ones these men do to the death. Enough chat, McKinney. We’ve found out what we need to. Finish him.”
“For Connie,” I whisper to myself as I cut the sleeves from his overalls and begin to peel the skin from his arms. Russell places a clear plastic bag over his head as I work. The material expands and contracts against his nose and mouth. Pained eyes widen with each cut as he wails in agony.
“Keep going,” Russell says, steadfast beside me. “This is fair justice for your wife. For an angel. This bastard deserves to suffer.”
Needing a moment, I close my eyes. When I joined the police force as a young man, the last thing I ever imagined being involved in was this. My hope of bleeding blue forever is gone, along with my morals.
On impulse, I pull the bag from his head and remove an ear in a swift motion. No one around me reacts, only watches. I stand back and survey my handiwork. The shreds of removed skin, the blood and gore tied to the chair. “I’m done.” I drive the small blade directly into Jed’s throat just above his Adam’s apple. His eyes almost pop from his head, and I turn to walk away. “Can one of you bring his ear?” I call over my shoulder as I leave.
“Greyson, once that bastard dies, dispose of him,” Hunter orders.
“We’re up, Luke,” Greyson says. “Now, I’m going to teach you how to sink a body so it’s never found.”
After a stop past The Level to shower and change, I return home. I mailed the removed ear to my father-in-law with a small note: For Connie. I hope he approves.
On walking into the house, the smell of baking cookies hits my nostrils. I expect to see Mrs. D working away, but it’s Emma I find lifting treats from the tray. “Where is Mrs. D?” I ask, confused.
“Not here,” she says awkwardly. I watch as she turns and walks across the room to Annie sitting in her bouncer. My daughter jumps up and down causing an infuriating tune to play. Small plastic jungle animals on springs vibrate in time to her movement. “Daddy’s home,” Emma sings, as she lifts her out and cuddles her sweetly. “My time to clock off, little one.” She places a kiss on her temple as she walks toward me and places Annie in my arms. “There are fresh cookies, and dinner is in the fridge.”
“Where are you going?” I ask her.
“For a run,” she tells me. “Don’t worry, I’ll take Morgan with me.” My skin prickles with the mention of the new security guard’s name. He was allocated by Harrison four weeks ago and has been encouraging Emma to work on her running each day. They disappear together for an hour and on their return, she is full of smiles. It’s been driving me fucking insane. “See you tomorrow,” she says and leaves.
“Shall we go visit your mummy?” I ask the bubbly baby in my arms. “We can take her some flowers.”
The graveyard is quiet this afternoon. So much has happened today that it is hard to remember it all. Annie lies in her stroller sucking greedily on a bottle of milk as I lean down and place a bunch of summer flowers on Connie’s grave.
“We got him,” I tell her. “He’s dead.” I fall to my knees. Even though it’s summer, London seems to have forgotten and the damp grass soaks my jeans. “You wouldn’t agree with how I dispensed the sentence; it was in the dark. But, Bubbles, the police are so fucking behind, I couldn’t wait. Please don’t hate me.”
Annie drops her bottle on the ground, and I move to collect it as my phone rings in my pocket. I ignore it, but it immediately starts again. “Sorry, Bubbles,” I say and retrieve the device. Harrison’s name blinks back at me, and an awful sense of déjà vu takes hold. I answer the call.
Chapter twenty
Kings College Hospital, London
“This is a complete overreaction,” I mumble, annoyed, to Morgan who’s sitting beside me with his head in his hands. “There’s nothing wrong with me apart from a few scratches.”
“Mr. Waite ordered me to bring you here,” he replies, pushing a long dark strand of hair from his terrified blue eyes. He’s still wearing his running gear; however, I’m now dressed in a standard hospital gown. “He said you were to be fully checked over and he would meet us.”
“Controlling dickhead,” I say, and he visibly gulps. “Him and all his bonehead friends.”
“He writes my paycheck, Miss. I need to follow his instructions if I’m to still have a job at the end of today.”
“Since when did you call me ‘Miss’? Morgan, you’re only one man and there were three of them. There was nothing you could do.”