Page 14 of Gossip Game
McManus heaved a frustrated sigh. “Let’s start with why my sister felt the need to buy you for twenty-five thousand dollars!”
The force with which he asked the question practically rattled the wall of windows overlooking the practice field. Osbourn groaned. The team’s community relations director jumped to her feet.
“To be fair, sir,” she interjected. “Your sister did not buy Hudson per se. She paid twenty-five thousand dollars to go bowling with him.”
McManus swung his computer monitor around angrily, revealing a photo of Noah and Charlotte, their lips locked in a deep kiss, outside of the penthouse the night before. “Does this look like bowling to you?!”
The woman sank back into her chair, not bothering to respond. Noah’s left leg began to twitch before he rested his palm on his thigh to calm it.
“I’ve arranged to take some kids from the school bowling later this month,” he told them. “The class that brings in the most cereal boxes to be donated to a local food bank will win the outing. On my dime.”
The GM arched an eyebrow. “That’s very magnanimous of you. Most guys would have washed their hands of the situation. And the team would have supported that decision.”
Noah glanced over at the community relations director. “I’d like it if the team could provide the chaperones.”
She nodded while Osbourn barked out a laugh.
“It’s the least we can do,” the GM said.
“If that’s all.” Noah moved to stand up.
Big mistake.
“No one is going anywhere,” McManus snarled. “I want to know what possessed my sister to bid such an obscene amount.”
“Have you asked her that, sir?” Noah was pushing his luck. He knew that. But he also knew he hadn’t violated a single clause in his contract and that was the only hold this man had over him.
“I’m. Asking. You.”
Noah kept his mouth shut and his gaze locked with his boss until McManus slammed his palms on his desk and vaulted from his seat.
“Do you realize I can trade you and you’d be emptying out your locker tomorrow? Or I could have your ass riding the bench for disciplinary reasons?”
Osbourn cleared his throat. “Technically, Jay?—”
“Dammit, Hank, don’t tell me what I can and can’t do with my football team.” McManus gestured wildly at Noah. “One of my players had his tongue shoved down my little sister’s throat. Who the hell knows what else is going on between them?”
Despite the embarrassing situation, Noah had to feel for the guy. McManus’ love for his sister was clear as day. Even if Charlotte was the man’s kryptonite.
Noah didn’t pity the guy enough to spill any tea, however. Besides, there wasn’t anything else going on between them. He ignored the hollow feeling in his chest that came with that realization.
“With all due respect, sir. I don’t kiss and tell.”
McManus actually growled as he rounded his desk. The GM snapped to attention, putting an arm out to stop him mid-stride. Fortunately, reinforcements arrived at the same time.
“For crying out loud, Jay, cut it out,” Charlotte demanded from the doorway.
She stormed into the room like an ancient crusader leading her troops into battle. Her long red hair billowed out behind her, the thud of her boot heels barely muted by the plush carpeting, and her eyes blue as flames. No one would mistake her for a mere princess the way she was carrying herself. She was a fucking queen, ready to slay dragons.
And he hated how turned on he was by the sight of her.
“Noah is right. You could have asked me! I would have told you. There’s no need to bring out the torture devices,” she admonished her brother.
Would she have? Would she have told her brother everything? He hoped not because he’d rather his boss not know how gullible Noah had been in falling for his sister’s wiles. Mostly, though, he was embarrassed by the dick way he’d paid Charlotte back last night.
Time to hit the showers. McManus would have to make do with using his sister for a punching bag. He was pretty sure she wasn’t averse to standing toe-to-toe with her domineering brother.
He was halfway out of his chair when a hand stalled him. Noah locked eyes with Bridgett McManus, the owner’s wife, who doubled as a ball-busting trial attorney. She was wearing her take-no-prisoners smile as she gestured for him to retake his seat.