Page 13 of Game On
“Wait!” He put his fork down and gestured for quiet. “You mean your mother was that famous war reporter? The heiress to the World Media? That means your dad”—he turned to look at Lisa—“is Hugh Delaney, the news anchor.”
“The one and only.” Lisa grimaced.
“That means you’re . . .” Shane turned his head back to look at Carly. Could he really be that slow? Carly waited for the pity to show up in his eyes. “You’re Darling Carly.” She cringed. The moniker the media had dubbed her with as a young child always had the same effect on her.
“Wow,” he said. “You were a child celebrity. Everyone’s favorite orphan. The press used to follow you everywhere when you were young.” His voice was almost reverent, as if Carly had enjoyed those long, lonely months when the media couldn’t get enough of her pathetic story. She knew what was coming next. Twenty years later she’d once again been in the eye of the media storm, but not in a positive way. Somehow, she was no longer the darling, but the spineless woman who couldn’t hold on to her sports star fiancé. Carly set down her fork, her appetite gone.
Fortunately, her nephew spoke up before Shane could even go there. “You know, that sleazy reporter who’s always following you around the training center and leaving stuff in your office has the hots for Elise Wages,” C.J. said, startling nearly everyone at the table.
Matt’s fork stilled in mid-air as his gaze shot from his son to Carly. “Some reporter is hounding you at the complex?” he asked, his tone lethal.
“Yeah,” C.J. answered before Carly could. “He probably thinks if he hangs around Carly, he’ll meet Elise or something.”
“Is this true?” Lisa asked, exchanging a worried glance with her husband.
“Donovan’s got it handled,” Carly assured them both. “Besides, the guy’s pretty harmless.” I think.
“Anyway, Elise Wages is pregnant,” C.J. mumbled as he reached for a second helping of lasagna. Okay, Carly was grateful for the subject change, but she was definitely mentioning the condoms to Matt.
“Well, at least we know her baby’s not yours, Shane,” Molly blurted before her father could shove a piece of bread in her mouth.
Now it was Carly’s turn to choke.
They managed to navigate the dinner conversation to safer subjects so that everyone finished their meal without necessity of the Heimlich maneuver. Carly slipped out before dessert, claiming that she had over indulged in Mexico and she needed to cut some calories. What she really wanted was to get away from the menacing presence seated next to her at the table. Despite all the embarrassing dinner conversation, Shane had eventually managed to relax and join in the banter. Not Carly. She’d had enough verbal confrontation for one day.
Shane took the stairs two at a time. It was Saturday and the Blaze corporate offices were empty. His flight back to San Diego was in two hours, but he needed to take care of something first. He hadn’t signed off on the team’s plan for his “image makeover.” Mini-camp had kept him busy the past three days, giving him a convenient excuse to avoid Carly at the same time. Since Carly was a big part of carrying out the plan, he’d pushed thoughts of it—and her—off until the last possible moment. He needed to apologize for the dumbass assumptions he’d made the other day, but that meant he’d have to actually be face-to-face with her and he wasn’t sure his body could handle it. The sexual tension between the two of them definitely interfered with his common sense. He needed to be focused and rational to get his job done. So, his plan was to sign the plan—provided he could find a pen on one of the secretary’s desks—and slip it under Carly’s door before his flight left.
What he hadn’t counted on was Carly being in her office. As he rounded the corner, he came to an abrupt stop. The object of his obsession was pacing before a picture window, the spring sunshine streaming in behind her. A pair of running shorts showed off lean, muscular legs; her T-shirt strained against firm breasts. Damn, she was cute and his body was doing crazy things just watching her. Her ponytail bobbed as she paced about, having a conversation with someone on speakerphone.
“I can’t believe you told Matt you saw condoms in C.J.’s bag.” The woman on the phone had trouble containing a laugh.
Whoa. So that’s what C.J.’s temper tantrum was about the other night.
“What was I supposed to do, Jules?” Carly plopped down in her chair, resting her sneaker-clad feet on the desk. She twirled a red rose in her fingers as she spoke. “Wouldn’t you tell your brother if your nephew had condoms in his gym bag?”
“Jeez, Carly, my nephew is only ten! If he had condoms it would probably be for some locker-room prank!”
Carly laughed. Shane sat down at one of the reception desks and tried to tell himself he was looking for a pen, not eavesdropping.
“Seriously, Carly, you’re getting way too wrapped up in these people.”
“These people are my family, Julianne.” Carly stood and began pacing again, slapping the rose against her thigh. “And you of all people should know they are important to me. They’re all I’ve got and I like that they need me.”
There was silence on the other end of the line.
“I appreciate that you care, though, Jules.” Carly moved out his range of vision, but from the sound of it, she’d stopped her pacing.
“I just wish you wouldn’t equate personal happiness with feeling needed, that’s all,” Julianne finally answered. “And I wish you’d come to Italy with me!”
“I can’t go back to Italy, Julianne. The paparazzi are too intense. Besides, I really don’t want to have Max’s happiness thrown at me day in and day out. It still hurts too much.” The last statement came out as a whisper.
“So you’re hanging around with American football players, now?” Julianne sounded appalled. “Like one of them won’t propose to you and leave you for his Baby Mama.”
Huh? Shane was having trouble keeping up with the conversation. He really needed to do some Internet research to figure out who this asshole, Max, is.
“Jules, I’m not hanging out with the players. I’m working for the team. For the first time in my life, I actually feel useful. I know Hank hired me as a favor to Matt, but Lisa is doing better and Hank has all but said the job is permanent if I want it,” Carly said. She moved into view again and he watched as she dropped the rose in the trash and picked up a picture frame from the credenza behind her desk. “Besides, jocks are off-limits, remember? I’m not hanging out with anyone who lives their life in the public eye. I want quiet and ordinary.”
“You want boring!”