Page 36 of Game On
He opened his eyes and looked across at her. Carly nearly flinched at the anger she saw reflected there.
“He’s going to live with Lindsey’s parents.” His clipped tone stifled any additional questions Carly might have had about Shane’s younger brother. Losing both parents had to be devastating for the boy. Shane had been nearly his brother’s age when he’d lost his mother. Had he wanted guardianship of the boy, only to have his brother reject him like Bruce Devlin had? It would explain the anger and the pain in Shane’s eyes. Carly’s heart ached.
“I need to get some sleep. I just wanted to take Beckett off your hands before I crashed, that’s all.”
He was going to take his dog and leave. She didn’t want him to. Not just because of Joel’s email either. The sexual tension that always seemed to hum around them crackled sharply in the air. But tonight it was more than that. Carly felt a powerful need to wipe out the haunted look in Shane’s eyes, to do what she could to ease his sadness.
Shane stretched his arm across the back of the sofa, reaching for her hand. She took it and stood up, stepping over Beckett, now slumbering at Shane’s feet.
“Come to bed,” she said, tugging him up.
He stood, his eyes grew darker.
“If I stay, Carly, there won’t be much sleeping,” he said.
“You’ll sleep,” she said as she switched off the lights. “Eventually.”
Grabbing his beer, he followed her up the stairs.
Shane wasn’t all that surprised when he saw the décor of Carly’s bedroom. Whereas the rest of her condo was decorated in classic but comfortable Pottery Barn chic, her bedroom looked like one his grandmother’s Victorian magazines had exploded in it. A massive bed with a curly iron headboard dominated the room. It was piled high with a fluffy white comforter and enough pillows for an entire team to sleep on. Miles of lace hung from the windows. He’d already figured out that Carly liked to hide her sexy, feminine side underneath her tailored, conservative exterior; her bedroom only validated his theory.
As he finished his beer, he watched her light the votive candles on a weathered oak chest beside the bed. Pulling his wallet from his pants pocket, he tossed condoms onto the bedside table. She quirked an eyebrow at him as she walked on her knees across the bed, tossing off pillows as she went. His cock jumped as he watched her breasts bounce while she maneuvered across the mattress. His brain was too tired to process all the reasons why this was the king of bad ideas. His body was worn down from lusting after her these past weeks. Maybe if he buried himself inside her, he could forget the last three days of his life.
He toed off his shoes as she reached him. Flicking her hair over her shoulder, she lifted her hands to unbutton his shirt. Her fingertips were warm against his skin and he couldn’t stop a sigh from escaping. A smug grin curved over her lips as she pulled his shirttails from his pants, pushing the shirt off his shoulders. As he stepped closer to the bed, their bodies nearly touching, he watched as she slowly slid her hands between his T-shirt and the bare skin of his abdomen. He sucked in a breath as she tangled her fingers in the hair on his chest. When he felt her body tremble, he suddenly couldn’t stand still any longer. Gripping her bare shoulders, he pulled her face to within a fraction of an inch of his. Shane needed to know if the game plan they’d set in place a few nights ago was still in play.
“Carly,” he rasped. “This can’t be anything more than sex. Are you still okay with that?”
“Yes. But you should know it’s been a long time for me,” she whispered.
Shane dragged in a ragged breath, willing his body to slow down. He leaned his forehead against hers, gently kissing her nose. He’d never been one to rush through, ignoring his partner. But he was having trouble tonight. He needed Carly. Badly. Not just to release the sexual tension simmering between them since they’d first met, but to forget the events of the last few days. To erase from his mind the look on Bruce’s kid’s face as Shane drove away. He was using her in every possible way and he couldn’t make himself stop.
Carly’s fingertips traced Shane’s chest. “Shh,” she said, lifting a finger to rub it along the worry lines on his forehead. “Stop thinking and get naked before I change my mind.” Except she wouldn’t change her mind. They’d been moving toward this moment for weeks now, and nothing was going to stop them tonight. She’d been frightened earlier and now she just wanted to be held. She wanted to feel the strength of a warm body possessing her, soothing her. Shane’s warm body.
And Carly wanted to use her own body to comfort Shane. The look of pain and vulnerability she’d seen in his eyes the night Bruce died still lingered there tonight. It was a look she could relate to. Tonight, she didn’t want either of them to be alone in the world.
Her hands drifted to his belt buckle, but he pushed her back on her heels. Finally, his features relaxed, a lock of dark hair hanging down between his eyes. A boyish grin overtook his face as he pulled the T-shirt over his head, further mussing his hair. Carly couldn’t help it; she licked her lips at the sight of his perfectly sculpted bare chest. He was gorgeous. Her skin grew hot as he slowly peeled off his pants, revealing a pair of long, muscled legs lightly dusted with hair. Heat pooled between her own legs as she took in the sight of the rampant erection straining his boxer briefs. Letting a deep sigh escape, she rose onto her knees and tugged off her cami, the fabric abrading the sensitive buds of her nipples.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered reverently. The seriousness of his statement and his perusal of her body brought a flush to her skin. Slowly, the corners of his mouth turned up into a wolfish grin. Carly felt her own lips curve into a smile as she watched the tension drain from his face. It felt good to know that here in her bedroom they could both leave everything outside. For one night, they could enjoy each other as two adults. She’d worry about everything else tomorrow.
The bed swayed as he knelt on it, his knees straddling hers, his huge hands sliding up the bare skin of her back. She arched into him, giving him access to her breasts. No further urging was necessary as he bent over a nipple, slowly running his tongue around it. His tongue was warm against her cool skin, and Carly moaned something unintelligible before pulling his head closer against her bare breasts. She felt his smile against her skin before he took the bud into his mouth and gently sucked.
She nearly shattered right then. She was wet and panting, becoming increasingly desperate for him to relieve the ache between her legs. Just exactly when she’d become so easy she’d have to delve into later. Right now, Shane was nibbling his way from one breast to the other, causing her to lose all conscious thought. Her hands were on autopilot as they cruised over his shoulders. As his mouth tugged at her other breast, she scored her nails down his back. Her fingers burrowed inside the waistband of his underwear, giving her access to his well-toned glutes. With one hand, she pushed the boxer-briefs to his knees while the other reached around to stroke him. When she wrapped her fingers around the velvet skin, his body shuddered around her.
“Carly.” His breath was ragged as he untied the drawstring of her sleep pants and pushed them to her knees. “I can’t go slow. I want you too badly. I’ve spent the last three nights dreaming of being inside you.” He pushed a finger inside her and she bit back a moan of pleasure. “God, you’re so ready. I need to get inside you. I promise I’ll try to bring you along with me, but if I don’t, I’ll make it up to you later.”
Unable to find her voice, she stroked him again, gently squeezing this time. Growling, he pushed her back on the bed. She kicked off her sleep pants as he tossed his briefs onto the growing pile of clothes scattered on the floor. He sheathed himself with a condom before returning his attention to the sensitive nub between her legs. Heat pooled in her belly. Her hips began to writhe as his fingers sent fissions of pleasure through her core so intense it was almost painful. When she couldn’t stand it any longer, Carly wrapped her legs around him, pulling him down into an openmouthed kiss. Their teeth scraped as he kissed her hard, slowly guiding his cock inside her. Her body offered up a brief resistance at the size of him.
“You’re so tight. So sweet,” he breathed into her ear before biting the tender lobe. At last, he began to move. She could feel his tension coiled tightly in the warm muscles bunched beneath her fingers. Shane thrust hard then nearly pulled all the way out.
“Oh my God!” Her breath was coming in staccato bursts as her body stretched to accommodate him; the pleasure of it was exquisite.
He began to thrust again and again, taking a breast in his mouth as she matched his rhythm. Hitching her legs higher so her pubic bone rubbed against his, she locked her hands around his shoulders. Shane continued thrusting deep inside as the tension built in her body. Silently she begged the building orgasm to crest and release her as the heat within her core grew in intensity and spread throughout her body. Suddenly, a wave of brilliant ecstasy overtook her. She thought she shouted his name as her body convulsed. After dragging in a deep breath, her body went limp beneath him.
A pair of slightly dilated gray eyes looked down at her through spiked lashes. Her stomach tightened at the hunger she saw in them. Leaning on his forearms above her, Shane’s body went still. The cords in his neck were stiff with tension; a sheen of perspiration clung to his chest. With her palm, Carly gingerly caressed his back from the base of his spine to his neck. Slowly, he bent his lips to hers and brushed a soft kiss over them. Then, he thrust hard one last time, throwing his head back as his body shook from his own release.
Shane wasn’t sure how long they lay there. He could feel the beat of her heart as it slowed to a more normal rhythm. The gentle stroking of her hands along his spine helped to bring his own heartbeat and breathing under control. He didn’t want to come out of her yet; she was so tight and warm. But he knew he was too heavy, so he rolled over on his back, taking her with him. She breathed a contented sigh as she snuggled up against his chest, her cheek gently lying over his heart.