Page 75 of Game On
“We already found her,” Donovan reassured her. “She’s fine.”
“EMTs are on their way,” someone said behind him.
Carly pushed Troy’s hair off his forehead. “He’s out cold,” she said.
“Looks like one of these bad boys hit him in the head,” Donovan said, gesturing at the canisters.
“Troy,” Shane said as he crouched beside him. Lifting one of his hands, he gave it a squeeze. “Hey, wake up, buddy. You did it. Carly’s here and she’s safe.” He looked over at the woman he knew he couldn’t live without while holding the hand of the boy he wouldn’t live without. There were tears in his eyes, but he really didn’t care who saw them.
“Sweetie, please, wake up. Shane needs you.” Carly’s whispered plea was nearly his undoing. Did she not know he needed them? Her and Troy.
The police and the EMTs arrived like the cavalry. Joel was howling now as they cuffed him to a gurney. Donovan waved one of them over to look at Troy.
“What have we got here?” the EMT asked just as Troy’s eyes fluttered open.
Carly let out breath as she bent down to kiss his cheek.
“Hey there, bro. Glad you could join us,” Shane teased.
“Head hurts,” Troy breathed. Shane made room for the paramedic, shifting to stand behind Carly, resting his hands on her shoulders. Troy winced as his head was checked over.
“Aunt Carly!” Molly shrieked as they arrived at the team lounge inside the stadium. Shane had carried Troy there as soon as the EMTs said he could be moved. Donovan had summoned the team doctor to take a look at him.
Molly launched herself at Carly, hugging her tight. C.J. stood behind her, a wide smile on his face. It had been a long time since C.J. had graced her with one of those smiles, and Carly smiled back.
“You’re okay!” Molly cried. “I was so scared when Joel took you away.”
“I’m fine, sweetie. Thank you for being so brave back there. I’m sorry I had to leave you.”
“It’s okay. Troy and I knew you were only trying to protect us.” Like most kids, Molly recovered quickly. Carly was relieved to see it. She hated putting her and Troy in danger. Looking over at Troy beside her, she reached out her hand to grab his. Shane stood beside the two of them. He placed his own hand over theirs and squeezed.
A flurry of people rushed into the lounge, including Matt. Carly quickly pulled her hand away.
“Would someone mind telling me why I wasn’t informed a nutcase held my family hostage?” Matt bellowed in his take-no-prisoners coach’s voice. Molly ran into her father’s outstretched arms.
“Things happened very quickly, Coach.” Donovan’s voice came from somewhere behind her. “We had to hurry to neutralize the situation.”
Matt opened his mouth to say more, when Hank Osbourne materialized behind him. “A job well done, Mr. Clark,” he said, placing a mollifying hand on his coach’s shoulder. “Only minor injuries, I hope,” he continued, surveying the scene around him.
“Our boy sustained a nasty conk on the head. My guess is he’s concussed.” Dr. Mittal, the team’s elderly physician, was examining Troy with a small flashlight. “He’ll need a CT scan and maybe an MRI to be on the safe side. I’d recommend a night in the hospital for observation since his vision is still foggy and he was out for several minutes.” He glanced up at Shane, who nodded his concurrence. The doctor pulled out his phone to notify the EMTs.
Matt pulled Carly into the circle of his arms, Molly squeezing in beside her. “You’re both okay?”
“We are now,” Carly said, but her body had begun shaking uncontrollably and her teeth were chattering. Pulling away from Matt, she felt as if she might faint. Before she could hit the floor, Shane had scooped her up and was carrying her to the sofa opposite Troy. Dr. Mittal hurried over and was checking her pulse while the others crowded around.
Carly inhaled a deep cleansing breath.
“I’m fine,” she said as the doctor felt the back of her head. “I just felt a little faint, that’s all.”
“Trauma can certainly cause someone to faint,” the doctor said. “Of course, there are a multitude of reasons why a woman of your age would faint. Might there be another reason, Carly?”
Huh? Was he asking what she thought he was asking?
C.J. chuckled. “Whoa!”
“No!” she replied to the doctor.
Matt took another step closer. “Carly?” he asked, concern written all over his face.