Page 78 of Game On
Breaking the kiss, she cupped his face with her hands. “I love you, too, Shane Devlin.”
“About time. You might have mentioned that fact after I jumped between you and a loaded gun,” he teased.
“About that.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You do realize that by purposely engaging in such reckless behavior, you are in violation of the team’s code of conduct.”
“Huh.” He began nibbling her neck, nearly causing her knees to buckle. “Do you have a specific punishment in mind?”
“Hey!” Troy groaned from the bed. “Get your own room, why don’t ya. You’re grossing me out here.”
Shane raised an eyebrow. “Babies turn into to twelve-year-olds eventually. You wanna reconsider?”
“No way. You made a verbal declaration in front of witnesses. I’ll overlook your penchant for creating a media frenzy with everything you do as long as I get babies. Lots of babies.” She leaned in for another kiss.
Troy laughed from the bed behind them. “Potato Head just threw another pick six. I’d say your starting job is secure for opening day, bro.”
Breaking the kiss, Shane rushed over to the bed to catch the replay. Carly followed, letting him pull her onto his lap as he sat in the recliner beside the bed.
“This is the only starting job I need, kid,” Shane said as he reached across to gently ruffle his brother’s hair. Carly smiled as she snuggled in closer. She really should tell them Matt was punking Shane earlier. Maybe later. Right now she was enjoying being part of a family. Her very own family.
Carly fingered the Irish lace adorning the bodice of the magnificent wedding gown hanging in the master bedroom closet of Shane’s cabin. Her wedding gown! The ornate dress was a work of art. Julianne had crafted the gown uniquely for her and every detail spoke volumes about the designer’s love for Carly. Stepping back, she brushed away a tear as she reread the note her best friend sent with the gown.
“Hey, I hope those are tears of joy.”
Shane’s voice startled Carly as she shoved the note into her jeans’ pocket. Turning quickly, she spread her arms wide in an attempt to shield the dress from his view.
“Shane! It’s bad luck to see the bride’s gown before the wedding!”
He smiled his trademark grin, the one that never failed to make her body temperature rise. Softly, he closed the door and turned the lock before strolling toward her, his eyes telegraphing his intentions quite clearly.
“Nah. That old wives’ tale says it’s bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding.” He gave her a slow wink. “And, if you believe those old crones, the poor schmucks who go on that wedding dress show to help their fianceés pick out their dresses are destined to end up with shriveled jewels.”
Carly bit back a smile as she stepped out of the closet and pulled the door closed behind her. “I don’t care about the semantics. You’re supposed to be surprised when I walk down the aisle tomorrow.” It was difficult to keep a stern tone in her voice when her body was humming with pleasure. In less than twenty-four hours, she’d be married to the gorgeous man prowling toward her.
They met in the middle of the room, the king-sized bed looming behind them.
“I promise to be in awe when I see you standing at the chapel door.” Shane gathered her in his arms. “I may even be drooling, but only because I’ll be thinking about what’s underneath that dress.”
Carly smacked him on the chest before realizing her mistake. He winced, sucking in a hiss.
“Sorry!” She nuzzled his bruised chin, the result of a nasty hit during a rough game the night before. Carly and Shane were taking advantage of a rare weekend off during the season, squeezing their wedding in after a Thursday night win over the Blaze’s rival in Pittsburgh. The ceremony was being held in the small mountain chapel where Shane’s grandparents had married. The reception for the fifty or so guests would take place at the cabin, the peaking fall foliage serving as a spectacular backdrop.
Carly snuggled into the haven that was Shane’s chest. Since that very first night in Cabo, she’d felt safe in his arms. Protected. And now, loved. She’d been searching her entire life for a place to belong. Someone to belong to. With Shane—and Troy—she was now complete. She belonged to two special guys and they belonged to her. Carly couldn’t have been happier.
“Please tell me those tears don’t mean you’ve changed your mind,” Shane whispered against the top of her head.
The vulnerability in his voice forced Carly to pull back and look up at him. Gone was the cocky bravado he normally wore to face the world. Instead, his eyes were wary, with tension lines bracketing them. His smile disappeared into a grim line.
She reached up to cradle his jaw. “No!” She stretched up on tiptoes to brush her lips over his in a soft kiss. “Absolutely not.”
He touched his forehead to hers, letting out a sigh of relief. “Good to know. But you still look sad.”
“Not about marrying you, Shane. Never.” She kissed him again. “I’m just sad that Julianne won’t be here. Ever since I was thirteen years old, I’ve pictured her standing beside me at my wedding.”
“We could postpone until after the season is over. Or until after her baby is born.”
The tense way he held his body and the strain in his voice told her it was costing him a great deal to make the offer. If it were possible, Carly felt her love for him grow even deeper. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed the gap between their bodies.