Page 4 of Small Town CEO Grump
“Oh, hello Mr. Jackson,” Jenna said. Her voice was a bit more formal, but she did not sound nervous the way most others did when they knew I was on the phone. I liked this, although it made me feel a bit unsettled and I wasn’t exactly sure why.
“You can call me, Ryan,” I said. “How are things going down there today? Are you busy?”
I figured I would give Jenna a chance to tell me why it took three rings before she answered my phone call. If she didn’t give a good answer now, then I would bring it up with her.
“Yes, quite busy,” she said. “Just as you were calling we were finishing signing some papers with a sweet couple here in town. They closed on the main Street property, and they plan on opening an ice cream shop.”
“Excellent,” I said, all of my concern disappearing. I shook my head as I thought about how quickly the thought of a hefty commission could improve my mood.
“Yes,” she said. “They are a wonderful couple, and I am happy that we could help them find what they were looking for. So, Ryan, how can I help you today?”
I appreciated her efficiency, and I also appreciated the fact that she clearly wasn’t intimidated by me.
“Well,” I was calling to make sure that the executive office there at your property is still vacant.”
“Yes,” she answered. “Aside from the custodians, dusting the furniture three times a week, no one goes in there.”
“Good to hear,” I said. “Well, there’s no use in delaying it, let me tell you what is going to be happening starting a week from Monday.”
I filled Jenna in on all of my plans, and gave her the list of things I would need her to accomplish for me before I moved down there. I could tell she was taking notes, and she asked some very appropriate questions. I could see that she was very intelligent, and I knew that she would make an excellent assistant. I couldn’t help but smirk as I realized that she would most likely knock on my door before barging in.
I ended my phone call with Jenna, and then called the movers to have them come and start packing up the things that I would be needing to take with me. My home in Oceanview was completely furnished, and I even had a full, acceptable wardrobe there, but there were a few touches that I would take with me from my apartment. I knew the move would go quickly, and we wouldn’t need more than a small truck to make it happen.
Once I finished getting everything set in motion, I walked back to my office. I knew I had made the exact right decision and I was in a particularly good mood. I even decided to pick up a bouquet of flowers to give to Sophie to apologize for rolling my eyes at her earlier that day.
I couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the next few months, but I just knew that my life was bound to change, and change for the better.
Chapter 2
I hung up the phone and let out the breath that I didn’t realize that I had been holding. For as long as I had worked there, I had heard tales of the frightening Mr. Jackson. Although I met him a few times and had never had a bad interaction with him, everyone had warned me against crossing him. It had amazed me how one person could have such control over people's thoughts and emotions, and I shook my head as I thought about how everyone had described him as not mean enough to hate, but not nice enough to like.
And now I would be working with him four days a week.
I looked out my office window and knew that I had to let the other agents and staff members know that Mr. Jackson - Ryan - was going to be working from here for the foreseeable future.
I didn’t know exactly how they would react, but I knew it wouldn’t be positive. I figured the sooner they knew it better.
I decided to tell the senior agent first. I figured that he would have known Ryan the longest, and he was bound to have the best reaction.
I knocked on his door and waited for him to tell me it was okay to enter. I couldn’t help but smirk as I thought about how my mom had been upset when I told her this was my protocol at work. She had insisted that it was placing myself second to them, or acting as if they were somehow better than me, but I didn’t see it that way. I figured that it was just a form of respect. You don’t go into someone’s personal space without asking permission, no matter where it is. I did the same thing when I approached the reception desk. It has nothing to do with power or status, but simply respect.
I heard a voice tell me to come on in, and I opened the door as Ed Johnson looked at me with a kind smile. I had been working with Ed for the past five years, and he was always so friendly and supportive. He was one of the main reasons I actually took this job because he assured me that I would be able to have the flexible schedule that I need to spend time with my son.
“What’s going on Jenna?”
“Well, we are going to be getting a new office mate. It will only be four days a week, but it’s bound to be a pretty big change.”
Ed tilted his head to the side with a perplexed expression.
“I just got off the phone with Ryan Jackson. Starting next Monday, he will be working out of this office four days a week.”
I saw the color drain from Ed’s face, and I realized I may have been wrong about him having the best reaction. And I also realized that if this was the best reaction, I was not looking forward to seeing the others.
“Did he say why?” Ed asked, sounding more unsettled and nervous than I had ever heard him.
“Not really,” I said.” He said that he simply wanted a change in his own life and that was all. He reassured me that there was nothing wrong with the way things were going down here. He just has a home in town and knew there was an office available, and he wants to work out of here.”