Page 50 of Her Mercenary
“Are you done?”
“Scary, isn’t it?”
“It’s ridiculous.”
“You don’t believe in ghosts?”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it?”
“Yes,” I said defiantly, like a child. “I absolutely believe in a higher power, and that there’s much more happening in this world beyond what we can see and touch.”
“Ghosts? Seriously?”
“I believe that spirits walk among us, those with unfinished business of sorts.”
“That’s a lot of spirts, then.”
“Not all haunt. Some are just waiting for their time to redeem themselves ... something I get the feeling you know a lot about.”
He said nothing.
I tipped up my MRE, sucking something that resembled mashed sweet potatoes from a hole at the top.
“I was never raped or beaten,” I said, as emotionless as if we were speaking about the weather. “It was like they were saving me for something. Do you know why? Why was I spared?”
“Intel suggested that Conor, the leader of the organization that kidnapped you, had chosen you to bear his children, be his future wife. One of many, I should say.”
I gasped, the thought of being forced to have sex with an evil monster and bear his children was absolutely unimaginable. The thought that I’d have to live this life for that long was even worse. Honestly, I didn’t think it would be long until I was killed. Believe it or not, I’d taken solace in that.
Roman watched me closely, appearing to be gauging my reaction.
“We have to save those kids, Roman,” I said, my stomach now churning.
“Focus on now, Samantha. Now.”
I leaned my head against the cold cave wall behind me and watched him for a bit.
“So,” I asked a few minutes later, “are you the good guys or the bad guys?”
“Astor Stone ... the company you work for. Are you the good or the bad guys?”
“A little of both,” he said quietly. Honestly.
“How many mercenaries does Astor Stone employ?”
“There are four of us.”
“That’s right.”
“Doesn’t seem like a lot for saving the world.”