Page 54 of Her Mercenary
He gently guided me onto my back, then raised my knees. He checked my pulse, pinched the thin skin of the back of my hand, then pressed and examined the tips of my fingers, although I had no clue what he was checking for.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, embarrassed by my weakness.
Roman didn’t respond, simply slid his arms under me, scooped me into his arms, and carried me off the invisible trail to a thicket of ferns.
I let go in his arms, releasing my weight, my armor. I knew I was wet with sweat, but I didn’t care. I stank, but I didn’t care. Honestly, right then and there, I didn’t care if the world swallowed me up and took me away forever.
I was lowered again onto the forest floor, this time on a bed of cool, dewy fern leaves. It felt like heaven, and I closed my eyes.
My head was lifted, water trickled into my mouth. I swallowed, reveling in the cool rush down my throat.
“I’m so sorry,” I said again, staring up at him. “I’m so embarrassed.”
“You’ve gone seven miles longer than I expected you to today. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.”
“No. No. I’m just ...”
“I know.”
Our eyes met, a moment of softness in his. Of understanding.
Of respect.
“We’ll take a break here.” He scanned the area, confirming the safety of our hiding spot. “Eat, rest a minute.”
I closed my eyes as something cool dabbed my forehead.
To my absolute shock, that was the last thing I remember. I fell asleep, right there on the jungle floor, exhaustion literally overtaking me.
I awoke to a beam of sunlight scorching my eyelids. Though my body pulsed with heat, something cool and wet lay over my forehead.
I sat up, a wet sock tumbling to my lap, and immediately locked eyes with Roman, looming over me like a sentinel.
“Oh my—I fell asleep?” Blinking, I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair.
“Do you feel better?”
“Yes ... yes, a lot.”
“You look a lot better.”
“Didn’t take much, I’m sure.”
Roman knelt next to me and gently handed me the canteen. “Drink—please ... please drink.”
I blinked, noting the sudden shift from his cold, stoic demeanor, as if he were suddenly making an effort to be more patient. The word please was obviously uncomfortable and foreign to him.
It was endearing.
Roman watched me closely as I drank from the canteen. Once satisfied with my consumption, he took the water from my hands, set it aside, then unwrapped a granola bar and lifted it to my lips. “Please eat.”
“Please?” I bit off the tip and chewed.
“Thank you.”