Page 19 of His to Worship
We walk back under the awning of the shelter and have a seat near the fire. Kuvier hangs back, close to me but clearly trying to give Renata some space. I can’t help but give him a small smile, one that he returns. I notice that he’s started keeping his mouth closed when he smiles again. I almost wish he wouldn’t; I’ve grown to like his feral smile and the glimpse I get of those double canines.
I settle, holding my hands out to the fire and she does the same. I look at Renata and realize that while I’m covered in fur, she is still freezing in her yellow outfit. Both blankets have been monopolized for the awning.
“Shit, you’ve got to be freezing. Do you want to see if he has another cloak?” She hesitates for a moment. “It’s super warm.” That decides it and she gives a quick nod of her head.
Looking over at Kuvier, I frown on purpose. He perks up, as if immediately looking for a way to make me happy again. After a few gestures to my cloak and her, I say, “She’s cold.” He understands what I’m asking, but gives a shake of his head. He doesn’t have any more.
I make a move to take my cloak off, but freeze when I hear a growl come from him. One hand already over my head, I peak out between the layers and see him shake his head. I make a move to keep going and he growls again, flashing his teeth in warning this time. Funnily enough, I’m not scared at all. In fact, I’m the very opposite of scared. Part of me wants to play, just to see what happens if I keep going, but when I glance at Renata she looks terrified. So, instead, I choose to be a good leader.
With an easy, albeit faked laugh, I pull the cloak back down. “Well, I guess he’s determined I will have to keep it.”
“That’s fine,” she squeaks. “No need to make him upset.”
“Don’t stress. I promise he’s not actually angry.” I give her a comforting pat and don’t bother explaining how I know. He’s growled at me a few times now, always when I try to do something that will put me in harm’s way or make me uncomfortable. But, those growls were more stern than these playful warnings, and part of me wishes that Renata hadn’t woken up after all. I want the privacy to keep exploring Kuvier’s more playful side.
“Actually, duh, you can have the furs I used to sleep.” I get them for her, despite the fact that Kuvier’s lips turn down at the sight of me deconstructing my sleeping area, but soon she’s draped in multiple large scraps of fur.
I look back at Kuvier as I sit back down and see him looking between Renata and I with a pondering frown. He makes eye contact with me and his gaze softens for a moment before he goes right back to looking concerned. Not for the first time, and probably not for the last, I wish we spoke the same language.
Renata's eyes narrow thoughtfully as she takes in our surroundings, avidly avoiding looking at Kuvier. “So, what's the plan, Sedona? What do we do now?”
“Honestly, I don't know yet. It's been hard to think beyond the present moment. But...I have to tell you truthfully, I worry there might be no way home.”
I gesture to Kuvier, indicating his rugged appearance and primitive attire. “Look at him. He looks like he’s from the Stone Age. If his people are all like him, they most likely will not have the technology we need to get back to Earth.”
A sinking expression appears on her face as realization dawns on her. “I see what you’re saying.”
I glance at the other stasis pods, each one containing one of our sleeping companions. “What about the others? Are you sure we shouldn’t wake them? You know Sabrina will be pissed.”
Renata considers this for a moment, then shakes her head. “Not yet. We need to get a handle on things first. It wouldn’t be fair to wake them up to this mess. Sabrina will be mad as hell when she wakes up, but it’s better than waking her up now when we don’t have a plan and we’d all just be scrambling around.”
“Okay, so we focus on the big things. We need to get some better clothing for you.”
Renata looks around, her gaze sharp and assessing. “We should also try to learn more about Kuvier and his people. If he has any kind of community, they might have resources or knowledge that can help us. And, we need to sus out if they are all as…friendly as he is.”
“Good point,” I agree.
“Alright, can we start with the food part of this whole thing because I am starving?”
“Kuvier has that covered. Just ask him.” I try to gently encourage communication between the two, hoping that maybe it will show Renata she doesn’t have to be concerned about him.
Renata looks toward Kuvier hesitantly before she starts gesturing, trying to communicate with him. She gestures to herself, then to her mouth, mimicking eating. Kuvier's attention, however, remains fixed on me. His eyes are flicking back to me constantly and missing most of the message she’s trying to convey. When she finishes, he stares at her for a moment before he looks at me expectantly, as if I decide if he helps or not.
“He knows the words for food and hungry,” I inform her, holding back a laugh at her exaggerated movements.
“Are you hungry?” Kuvier immediately asks, looking at me and me only.
Renata raises an eyebrow. “Looks like you’ve got an alien dude wrapped around your finger already, Sedona.”
I roll my eyes, a small smile tugging at my lips. “Haha, very funny. It’s not like that.” But part of me can’t help but hope that it is. My brain flashes back to the need in his eyes earlier when he saw me bathing.
“You ask him, then. See if he cooperates.”
“We’re hungry,” I say, pointing between me and Renata.
Kuvier’s eyes light up with understanding. “Sedona is hungry.”