Page 33 of His to Worship
Settling on my side, I run my hand in gentle strokes up and down her arm, warming her more. With the influx of females, she has less furs than she did prior. I do not like it, but I know that I cannot let the other females freeze just to shower my mate in warmth. Well, I would, but she would not let me if I tried.
Within moments, her breathing evens out, and in her sleep she clutches me closer around the waist. A potent sense of possession unfurls in my chest. This female was meant for me. I know this with every fiber of my being.
- sedona -
“I want to take you outside.” I look up from the stitch I was ripping out and see Kuvier holding a small knapsack and a spear.
“Why?” We’re both speaking in his language. I find that we mostly use it since I’ve learned more of his than he has of mine. In all fairness, that’s likely due to the DNA scrambling by the mantis dudes. He is still learning surprisingly fast, and sometimes our conversations are a jumbled mix of English and Lieq as we try to get our meanings across. With Xiomara around now, we have a built-in Duolingo, so the past few days, our grasp of each other’s words has grown exponentially.
“To gather more vifer and check traps.” It takes a second to remember what a vifer is. The red reeds we use exclusively for kindling.
“Okay, give me some time.”
Kuvier looks at me in astonishment. “Sky People can give time? This is not a magic I possess, my mate.”
A loud laugh bubbles from my lips. Sometimes I forget how literal Kuvier is. Colloquial phrases don’t usually make sense to him or Enikk.
“No, it means that I’m not ready and I will need you to wait until I am ready.”
“Very well. I will wait patiently for you by the fire.”
He leans down and kisses me thoroughly. When he pulls away, I’m winded and jittery. Because the first two kisses we’d shared had both been really heated, Kuvier only knows how to kiss me passionately. And boy does he love kissing me. I walk around loopy and lightheaded too often. I could probably show him how to do more chaste ones, but I’ve never complained about not being able to handle some heat.
It’s begun to happen so often that the other girls mostly ignore it, for which I’m grateful. I know there’s some judgment there, but I’ve chosen to ignore it. Renata at least doesn’t seem to feel the same way about it as she did considering she’s one of the first to jump in to stick up for me when Krissy chooses to poke the bear.
Once I catch my breath, I put my sewing aside so I can pull all of my outside layers on. With so many women awake now, my layers had grown more limited, but I’d managed to piece together an outfit for myself.
Getting ready is quick and it doesn’t take long before we are heading out into the cold. The air is crisp, biting at any exposed skin, but the walk warms me up quickly. I stay close to Kuvier to steal some of his crazy body heat, too.
We walk along for a while in comfortable silence—Kuvier is not an unnecessary talker—but after a while, I can’t help but ask, “How far are we going?”
I have no problems with my body. I love the lushness of it, and I think my curves are sexy as hell. But these legs were made for gripping, not hiking.
“We are almost there. I am keeping us within the valley and on the edge of the Blood Mountains.” He tilts his head down to get a good look at me. “Are you tired? I will carry you.”
I consider it for only a second. “Yes, I am tired.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice and he picks me up with excitement clear on his face. A chuckle slips out at his expression. The man loves to carry me—has since we first met. If I’m honest, a big part of me loves it too. Kuvier has a way of picking me up like I weigh nothing and it gives me a little tingle every time. But, I’ve let him do it less since the others woke up because I’m embarrassed by being shown physical affection in front of them. We don’t get as many comments or ribs about our relationship—it’s been a few days, and everyone is pretty much used to the way he acts with me now. Still, it’s something I avoid.
Thankfully, we aren’t with everyone else right now.
With our chests pressed together and my legs wrapped around him, we’re now eye level, so close that I can make out the individual shades of gold and amber in his irises. It felt wrong at first, but I find him more attractive every day. I’d always known he was handsome, but I was hesitant to admit it because, well, he’s not human.
Now, I realize that his otherness is part of what draws me to him. The glow of his eyes. That sweet smile with those wicked teeth. The strong set of his jaw. The way he’s so soft to touch. All of it makes me want him more. In fact, the more time he’s around me, the more my want turns into a craving.
It’s a pit at the bottom of my stomach that won’t go away. A constant rush of desire that I know without a doubt only he can quench. God, I scoff internally, where is this coming from? I was never a high libido girl before, but with him, I feel like I’m in heat.
“Whatever you are thinking, stop.” I blink, taken aback by his statement.
“Um, what?”
“Sedona, your desire is clear and you smell sweeter and sweeter with each step. Whatever thoughts are running through that pretty head of yours needs to stop.” He squeezes my thighs in warning. “For your sake.”
Yeah, that did not help my thoughts go away. In fact, I’m more acutely aware of my desire than before. Now, all I can think about is the way he’s pressed so tightly to me. The way every breath he takes causes his chest to brush against mine, making my nipples pebble. How every step creates a delicious sort of friction in my core.
Kuvier stops in his tracks and connects his eyes to mine, and the look in them makes my heart rate kick up.