Page 44 of His to Worship
“You seem lost in your mind,” he comments, peering down at me. I consider talking to him about the clan, but don’t feel like worrying him over it.
“Yeah, I was thinking that Enikk seems really off this morning,” I murmur quietly, glancing over at where he stands still alone, lost in his thoughts.
Kuvier nods, his brow furrowing in concern. “He has similar worries as I do,” he admits reluctantly, his gaze flickering towards Enikk. “Among our people, the bond between khesis is sacred, if proven.”
“What do you mean by proven?” Kuvier blanches but answers the question after a beat.
“Typically, a Lieq male and female both feel the pull of the bond,” he explains in a soft voice, massaging the knots in my shoulder. “They will be so driven by desire that they complete the bond immediately.”
“How do they complete the bond?” I have a feeling I know, and my ears grow hot in expectation of his answer.
“They lie together in the furs.” He rubs a hand along the length of my body and I shiver under his caresses. “And then the male will mark his female with a bite.” He leans forward and tenderly bites at his favorite spot on my neck. Goosebumps erupt along my skin.
“Is that what you want to do to me?” I should be disturbed and put off. Instead, I sound breathless and needy.
“When you accept me into your furs, I will mark you with my teeth and my scent and none will question what belongs to me.” His words are a statement, a promise, and a prediction.
I consider that for a moment. “Is the lack of marks why you guys are so worried?”
“Without the mark, some males may see it as an opportunity to stake a claim. It is especially difficult for Enikk because his mate does not grow warm and wet around him, and others will be able to tell.”
I feel my whole face heat up at that last comment but don’t address it. My mind is focused on this whole marking thing. Part of me blazes at the thought, but the other part feels fear.
A mark like that would be permanent, it would make this change in my life a forever thing, and it’s hard to know if that is what I want. It’s a primal gesture of claiming and ownership, something I’m not entirely sure I'm ready for, despite the undeniable pull I feel towards him. I’ve only been on this planet for maybe a month at most after all.
But, as I absorb his words, the gravity of our situation dawns on me. This world, with its unfamiliar customs and expectations, demands more from us human women than I initially understood. It’s not just about survival, it’s about navigating relationships and traditions.
“That’s…a lot of pressure,” I murmur softly, my gaze drifting towards where Amari sits, wrapping up her furs, still lost in her own thoughts.
“Pressure?” He cocks his head in confusion.
“Um, weight. A lot to deal with that would be my fault if things go wrong.”
Kuvier pulls my gaze to meet his, frowning deeply. “I did not tell you of this to force you to make a decision you are not ready for.”
“Still, I would rather you not have to worry about it. I am just not ready yet.”
“And so we will wait until you are.” He brushes his lips over mine. “I have waited thirty-three seasons for this joy that you so freely give me. I will wait a never ending amount of seasons if that is what you need me to do.”
“Alright you two, break up the lovey dovey fest. I want brekkie,” Meghan announces, breaking through our conversation with ease, as she plops down on the dirt ground near the fire. I snigger and somewhat reluctantly pull away from Kuvier. He gives my hips one last squeeze before letting me go and moving towards Enikk.
For the next little while, I pass out food and eat myself. Enikk and Kuvier both stop in for helpings, but scarf their servings down before quickly returning to whispering with their heads pressed together. As everyone mills around, eating and preparing, I make my way to Amari.
“Hey, you okay?” I prod gently, glancing sideways at her. She’s sitting off to the side, quiet and watching.
Amari nods, though her eyes flicker nervously towards Enikk before returning to the task of arranging her things in her knapsack. “Yeah, just...does Enikk seem off lately? Like, really off?”
I sigh softly, understanding her concern. “Yeah, I noticed too. He’s worried about the village, about what might happen when we get there.”
“Why? Isn’t it his home?” She looks up at me with wide, young eyes. At twenty, she’s pretty like a doll, with a look of innocence that makes you want to protect her.
I explain quietly, mindful of Enikk's proximity. “Kuvier told me that he’s concerned about how others might view his bond with you.”
She grimaces at the reminder. “That’s not my responsibility.”
“I know, and I know you don’t love the whole mate thing. I’m just explaining why he’s acting weird.” I hand her the serving of food I set aside for her and she takes it gratefully.
“I don’t get why he’s making it such a big deal. He just met me.”