Page 105 of Devious Knight
I finished the painting I started of Mom the other week. When I’m upset, I paint. But when I’m sad, I paint her.
I recreate her by reaching into my memories and pulling her back to life on canvas. Sometimes, I get a picture to capture the emotions on her face. Things like that are fading from my mind.
I needed her more than ever last night. But when I finished the painting and saw how real she looked, I missed her so much the grief broke me. Then I broke down.
I haven’t cried like that in years. I’ve tried not to because it’s difficult to come back from the darker side of grief.
When I eventually got to bed, I kept seeing Mom’s face. And Parker.
I don’t know how I’m going to face him tomorrow, but perhaps I can start preparing today.
The only thing I have to worry about later is going to Kade’s apartment. I have to spend two hours there rearranging his bookshelves and cleaning.
He’s supposed to be out, so I don’t have to worry about running into him. I’m glad because I don’t have the strength for him.
Even though he helped me and seemed to be the only person who noticed something was wrong with me at the assembly, I have to be careful around him more than ever now that I know he’s Parker’s godson.
If I piss Kade off and do something he doesn’t like, I’m sure he’ll use Parker as a weapon against me. As if that man hasn’t already done enough to me.
My doorbell rings, and I nearly jump out of my skin.
I’m not expecting anyone, but my friends turning up unexpected is not usual.
I struggle to get up, feeling a hundred years old.
I make my way downstairs and open the door to find Mackenzie on my doorstep with a box of pastries from the bakery and a million-dollar smile on her face.
“You’d never guess what?” she beams with a little hop.
I try to smile, but my face can’t manage it. “What?”
“I did it. I found a way to solve my problem. I don’t have to marry that asshole.”
She floats inside, and I close the door, very interested to hear the solution she’s come up with.
“What did you do?”
She sets the pastry box on the table and clasps her hands. “Have you heard of the Valkyrie Auction?”
I shake my head. “Sorry, I’ve been so busy this week.”
“It’s fine. Basically, it’s my life saver. The Knights hold it every year. You put yourself forward as tribune, and they bid on you. Think of it as a date auction, but whoever gets you, keeps you for six months.”
I stare back at her wondering how this actually solves the problem. “How does that change things? That’s just an auction, Mackenzie.”
“No, it’s not.” She squeals. “It’s a blood ritual contract, so the agreement is an unbreakable oath that must be followed. I found out the other day that Levi’s parents haven’t signed my marriage contract yet, so it’s not binding. Meaning, if I do this, I’m not available for marriage.”
My mouth falls open at the ingenious, well-thought-out idea. I even feel more awake for hearing it. “My God. This is fantastic, but what happens if you end up with a different asshole?”
“That’s the best part. Kyle Lukashenko is going to bid on me. And win.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. I was hanging out with him last night, and he came up with the idea. We’ve got it all figured out, and he’ll even release me from the contract before spring break. Or as soon as I’m safe from Levi, or any other guy who I don’t want to be with.”
I see now. She’s liked Kyle for a while, and he liked her. The two have never dated because he was in a relationship.
I’m guessing he’s no longer in that relationship, and he probably didn’t want to lose his chance with her once the news broke about her possible engagement to Levi.