Page 108 of Devious Knight
The sight of him with his sexy five-o’clock shadow and ruffled hair steals my breath away. Unlike the usual black clothing I always see him in, he’s wearing a navy long-sleeved T-shirt and gray slacks that show off his long athletic legs.
He… looks good.
It’s me who’s wearing black today, and I even have the Corpse Bride dark circles under my eyes to match.
We stare at each other for a few seconds until he straightens, seeming taller.
“Did you clean?” The question sounds weird outside my head. The more I look around, the more I can’t imagine him cleaning.
“Are you expecting someone? I can reschedule for another day in the week.”
He grins at me and cocks his head. “I am expecting someone, and she just arrived.”
I squint and bite the inside of my lip, then my nerves take over and I bring my hands together. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing. I thought we could hang out. Maybe eat biscuits and drink tea. Although I hate tea and I don’t eat biscuits.”
I mentally bite back a smile because I remember what I said to him last week about biscuits and tea.
I also doubt Kade knows what sugar tastes like. The closest thing to sweet that I’ve ever seen him eat is a trail mix of raisins and dried fruit. I’m not even sure if that counts since it’s still healthy.
I push the silly memory to the back of my mind and return to the present, because what did he just say?
Hang out?
He wants to hang out with me?
“I’m supposed to clean.” I compose my mind and try not to think too much into the idea.
“No. You’re supposed to do what I want—of course, within reason.”
The sexual innuendo laced beneath his words is obvious, but I pretend I don’t notice. “Fine. If you’re not drinking tea or eating biscuits, what are we doing?”
“Dinner and playing pool. I cooked.”
“You can cook?” I raise my brows.
“I can do many things, Lolita. Come on, give me a shot. You’ll see I can be nice,” he says, referencing our argument about Michael.
He places a hand over his heart, but he still looks like the devil to me. The devious villain I shouldn’t be attracted to.
“What do you say? I promise you my food is better than anything you’ve ever tasted.”
“That’s a bold assumption.”
“But I’m right.”
I think for a moment. Two hours with the devil, then I’m done. “Okay.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
I sit at the dinner table, feeling like I’ve been transported to an exotic Greek island.
The delicious spread laid out before me looks like something prepped for the gods of Olympus.