Page 118 of Devious Knight
There’s no way of knowing. But it certainly looks like he wants to eliminate me. The way you would with a threat.
“Do you have any questions for me? You’ve gone quiet.” He looks me over.
“I’m just… thinking about what I need to do.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. I have faith in you.”
Fuck you, bastard. I’m sure you do.
“I’d like for us to meet every other week to keep on top of things.”
“Okay,” I answer with reluctance, feeling like a robot programmed to agree.
“Wonderful. Well, if you don’t have any questions, that’s it for me.”
“I have nothing.”
“Alright, well, we’ll meet two weeks from today.”
“Sure.” Gathering strength, I stand, but I feel like my body is filled with lead as I make my way out of the office.
I close the door behind me and stop in the corridor by the window to get some air and catch my breath.
Fuck. This is absolute shit.
It’s strange how I had that horrible feeling deep down in my gut telling me that I was going to have a problem with Parker. I was right.
But that’s the least of my worries, because I could be right about everything else.
That asshole has backed me into a corner where his fucking assessment is set up for me to fail.
Fail and lose everything.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
It’s ten at night. I’ve been locked away in the art studio since seven.
I passed on dinner with my friends to work on my sculpture. I haven’t been able to think straight all day, and I feel like I’m in limbo.
The one moment of relief I had was speaking to my father. He called minutes after the meeting. Dad wasn’t happy with Parker’s decision and agreed it was strange. However, that’s as much as he said.
I know my father. No matter what he thinks about Parker, he won’t discuss too much with me.
Everyone I spoke to kept telling me to focus, be strong, and believe in myself. If anyone can do it, you can, Isabelle. That’s all I kept hearing.
But that was because no one else saw what I saw—the trap.
I looked at Parker’s request and laid it out with my current schedule. Unless I’m the Flash or Wonder Woman, I’m not going to be able to do everything.
I have fifteen hours of art classes and three hours of English literature per week, so that’s already eighteen hours. We’re expected to do twenty-four to thirty-six hours of work outside classes each week, and it’s going to take me a minimum of fifteen hours per week to do my sculpture.
Parker wants me to have two hundred hours of work experience by the end of the summer semester and a portfolio of a hundred drawings. Ten of which must be sculpted. I also have to do my compensation service for Kade.
It’s all too much. Completely and utterly not doable.
On top of that, I’m doubting myself—which I think is exactly what he wanted.