Page 157 of Devious Knight
He stops and takes both my hands into his. “It will be worth it. I promise.”
“Okay, I'll wait.”
“We’re nearly there.”
I answer with a smile, deeply enjoying this moment.
We round the corner, and then we’re on Huntington Ave, where the Museum of Fine Arts is situated.
“Here we are,” he says in an announcer voice.
“The art museum,” I beam. “I haven’t been here in a long time.”
“Oh, but there’s more. There’s an exhibition here tonight that you’re gonna love.”
I hug him. “Thank you so much. This couldn’t be more perfect. When we first started college, I signed up to be notified about the events. I managed to go to one before Christmas. I was hoping to see another, but time ran away from me.”
“Well, here we are.”
“What exhibition are they holding?”
“Let’s go in and see.” He waves me forward with a dazzling smile.
Feeling lighter, I follow his lead. I’m immersed in more excitement and placed right in my element from the moment we walk into the building and I see a poster for the Classical Art section.
I’ve always been this way when I’m around art. Something unlocks inside me and calls to my soul.
That’s why it hurt me deeply when Parker shook my dreams and confidence. It felt like he was attacking my identity.
Nothing more has happened with him since the other week. He seemed to be more careful with Lana after that day when I stopped by his office.
But my eyes are still open. People like that always leave loose ends.
Kade leads me into the foyer, and I nearly collapse when I see a poster advertising that tonight’s event is Christian Degas’ Shades of the Mind exhibition.
My breath stalls in my chest, and I look at Kade, who is staring at me with a wolfish grin on his face.
“Oh my God, Christian Degas?”
“I thought you’d like this. He’s actually hosting the exhibition.”
“He’s here?” My scalp tightens with more excitement.
“He’s here, and you’re gonna want to meet him.”
“Oh my gosh. I can’t believe this. How did you know he’d be here, and I didn’t?” I laugh nervously.
“You’ve been busy. I’ve been busy, too. Come on. Let’s go meet this idol of yours.”
Kade puts his arm around me and leads me to the hall where the exhibition is being held.
We walk in, and I see several of Christian Degas’ sculptures that I recognize. There’s his Weeping Mayor, Lady in the Cave, Haunted Lovers, and Tainted Father. Those are some of my favorites.
I’ve been following his work since I was ten. Mom loved him and was fortunate enough to do a summer placement with him when she was at Raventhorn. She got me hooked on him.
I can’t believe I’m here in the presence of his work and I’ll get to meet him.
It dawned on me the other day that I’d be in England now if things had gone to my original plan.