Page 33 of Devious Knight
“Why?” My breath hitches but I realize instantly that this could be my chance to get to the crux of this crazy shit. “What the hell did I do to you? I’ve never done a damn thing to you to make you go all psycho on me. So tell me, what did I do?”
It feels like the question of the year. Or possibly of my life.
Time seems to freeze around us while I wait for his answer. But I don’t get one. Instead, Kade loosens his grip on me, releasing me from his grasp.
Cautiously, I take a step forward and turn to face him, to look at him right in the eye.
I wish I could see the monster I imagined in my mind snarling back at me, but Kade Gurkovsky is just as devastatingly handsome as I’ve always known him to be.
The silver moonlight amplifies that untamed beauty beneath his hardcore masculinity, making him almost look like a storybook prince.
His eyes rivet to mine and I find I can’t look away. He stares back at me with malice laced in the depths of his bright blue eyes, but there’s something more there that still enchants me.
With a quick snap of his fingers toward Dmitri and Logan, they hand him my phone and bag with all the contents that fell out of it. Then he shoves the letter back into the bag.
Looming closer, he holds the bag out for me to take. I grab it quickly before he changes his mind.
“Stick around, Lolita.” He speaks in a low, deep voice, slow and purposeful so that each word wraps around my insides. “Raventhorn will be no fun without you.”
Those words would sound genuine and endearing from anyone else. But from him… they sound like a threat.
“Go home.” The ghost of a smile tips his lips.
I’m surprised he’s letting me go. I’m desperate to leave but I’m just as eager to get the answers I sought.
I search his eyes and realize that he knows what I’m thinking. And he’s not going to tell me.
“Don’t you want to go, Lolita…?” A smile crawls across his lips.
The sight sends a shiver rushing over me and I turn to leave. Shaking legs carry me away, but I glance back at him.
Kade won’t tell me what I did to him.
In my experience, when people will neither confirm nor deny something and act the way he did, it actually confirms the question.
He does have something against me, and rather than tell me what it is, he wants me to suffer.
That unsettling thought I had last night about leaving creeps back into my mind. Am I running away because of him?
At this point I don’t care about the answer.
It’s the same answer to me and now I can’t wait to leave.
Before I take the path to Myrridin I look back over my shoulder again. They’re all still there. Standing together like a wolf pack.
That’s a fitting thought because I feel like I’m being hunted.
Because I am.
Chapter Eight
‘The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.’- The Iliad, Homer.