Page 44 of Devious Knight
He answers with a wolfish grin. “You wouldn’t like living in England.”
There. He did it again, but this subject change was to avoid answering my question.
“Why wouldn’t I like living there?” I decide to humor him. Maybe he’ll leave me alone if I do.
“You’d be bored.”
“I think I’ll be just fine, thank you very much. England is a beautiful country.”
“Sure, it is. I just think you’d be bored there.”
I search his eyes, take in the flicker of wild interest and try to figure him out. As usual I can’t, so I decide to cut to the chase. “I thought you’d be thrilled to hear I’m leaving. Didn’t you say I didn’t deserve to be at Raventhorn? That I was beneath you all?”
He gives me a lopsided grin that infuriates me. “But I never told you to leave, did I?”
“You might as well. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m leaving.”
“But you’ll miss my next game.”
“So what?” I raise my brows.
“You missed the last one.”
That gives me pause. Of course I missed the last game. It was just after he talked to me like shit. There was no way in hell I was going to watch him play after that.
But I didn’t expect him to notice that I wasn’t there. Not when there were at least three thousand people there and his host of admirers. I heard some girl tattooed his name on her ass—which she showed him and everyone else—and promised to have his babies.
Kade gives me a small smile and then, to my surprise, he pulls off his jersey right there in front of me.
My brain empties and my mouth waters as my eyes glue to his naked torso decked out with rock-hard, tattooed abs and a happy trail of dark hair leading all the way down past the waistband of his football pants.
He catches me looking and decides to shock me further by undoing the top buttons.
“What the hell are you doing?” I rasp out, giving him a bewildered stare.
“Out here?”
“I don’t see anyone complaining.” He pretends to look around.
“I’m complaining.”
“Are you? Because you’re looking at me like you like what you see, so…”
This is ridiculous. He’s screwing with me again. It’s almost more jarring than him following me. “I have to go.” Sorry Mackenzie. I’ll catch up with you later.
I step away from him but he stops me by pushing out his arm and pressing a hand to the wall to block me in.
I turn to go the other way and he does the same thing, barricading me with the width of his body, which is now far too close to me.
He looms closer and stops an inch away from my lips, then he just stares at me.
This is like the other night, but different. He wasn’t half naked then.
“What is the matter with you?”