Page 104 of Vicious Knight
“Is that your way of warming me up to talk about Thorne Ivanov? You knew I was going to ask about him, right?”
I nod slowly. “I’m sure there are a ton of people who want to ask me about him.”
“Actually, there are. You’re seeing him, aren’t you?” She’s looking right at me, staring with that gentleness I first liked about her.
I can’t tell her the whole truth, but I can give her a piece of it. “Yes, in some sort of way.”
She bites back a smile. “I guess that’s why you didn’t want to do anything with Aiden.”
“Yes and no. Thorne and I aren’t exactly official.” Talking about Aiden makes my stomach squeeze. I’ve been thinking about what Thorne told me about him. It made me realize that you really can’t tell what a person is like just from looking at them. I’ll be careful around him and make sure our meetings take place around people, just in case something happens.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to say anything. I’m sorry I warned you away from him.”
“No need to apologize. You were right. It’s just complicated. Thorne and I are an enigma I can’t wrap my head around.” And things have only become more complicated since we started sleeping together.
“Maybe it doesn’t need to be complicated. I won’t profess to know the inner workings of Thorne Ivanov’s crazy mind and his wild ways, but he seems really into you.”
God help my stupid heart. It’s fluttering at the thought of being that one special girl at Raventhorn who managed to win over the campus god.
But I’m not her. Isabelle doesn’t know the external circumstances.
“We’ll see what happens,” I say, giving her a hopeful smile.
“Yeah, maybe he will surprise you.”
I’m not sure if that would be a good or bad surprise, but I know that my feelings toward Thorne are changing in ways I never anticipated.
“You were absolutely amazing, sweetheart.” Mom hugs me hard. I sink into her warmth, unable to believe that she’s really here.
She and Levgen surprised me at my piano recital.
We’re in the music theater on campus. I went on stage to play my piece and when I looked into the audience, there they were, sitting in the front row.
I couldn’t believe it. I still don’t know how I managed to contain my excitement and restrain myself from flying off the stage and into their arms.
Seeing them inspired me to play my heart out. The moment the event ended I rushed toward them.
There was no way I would have guessed they would have even thought to attend. When I met Isabelle’s dad last week, I wished my parents could visit me, too. And here they are.
The event was hardly worth telling anyone about because it was so small. But Mom and Levgen flew across the country to surprise me because they knew how nervous I was.
“Ivy is always amazing.” Levgen gives me a hug when Mom and I pull apart.
“Thank you so much. I can’t believe you guys came to see me. Thank you for coming.”
“I’m glad this was a nice surprise.” Mom cups my face.
“It’s the best.” I hug her again, feeling close to tears. If only they knew what I’ve been through in the time I’ve been away.
“Come on, let’s grab something to eat.” Levgen taps my head. “There’s a bistro in the city that I used to go to when I went to Raventhorn.”
“That sounds perfect.”
The three of us head toward the exit of the music building.
Mom links her arm with mine when we walk through the doors. “We thought we could take you shopping tomorrow and spend the weekend doing some sightseeing. That’s if you don’t have plans.” She gives me a suspicious smile.