Page 117 of Vicious Knight
One wrong move and you either miss what you’re supposed to find, or your enemy catches on that you’re onto them.
I can’t let that happen. This information is all I’ve managed to gather in the last two months of Aleksander playing me like a bitch.
It must mean something.
Something useful to me.
Chapter 26
I spread polish over the wooden cupboard and buff the surface until it shines.
Tiffany wants the function room spotless. She’s hosting a luncheon tomorrow with the presidents of the other sorority houses.
I’m still on cleaning duty for another few weeks, so the job of preparing the place went to me and Isabelle.
Isabelle will be joining me in a little while. She had a late class.
The two of us will be the only students on campus tonight—Friday night—who’ll be doing the most boring job ever.
I’ll be seeing Thorne later, so I’m using the time to myself to think about how I might get access to the database on his computer.
Maybe I could hire a hacker to hack into Thorne’s computer.
How much would that cost?
A few hundred? A thousand dollars?
What am I even thinking?
Anything I could ever come up with in that regard is crazy.
Thorne is a world-class tech god who got into MIT when he was sixteen and has the same IQ as Einstein.
It was a miracle that his computer was left on for me to peruse for the time I did. His password for something so important as the database is probably going to be some outlandish craziness with a thousand characters. It would cost me an arm and a leg to find someone with the skill level to hack it, and I don’t know if that someone would want to hack Thorne Ivanov’s computer.
Since I’ve been here, the only person bold enough to argue with him has been Aiden. And look how that turned out.
God, where is the Mission Impossible crew when you need them.
All things impossible aside… could I really do that to Thorne?
Pay someone to hack him?
Doing so is a different sort of betrayal. There were several times over the last few weeks when he could have betrayed me. But he didn’t.
He’s also changed. True to his word, he met me for lunch yesterday and sat with me and the girls. Everyone was staring at us. Even the staff who work in the café.
When I told Isabelle and Mackenzie that Thorne was joining us, they were intrigued. It was awkward when he first got there but they loosened up and we all had a great time. It was normal.
He was normal for me and I felt like the girlfriend again. The girl with a different sort of borrowed life. Not the dead one masking herself with the skin of the living.
If I did hire a hacker and he found out, I would be no different than my father in his eyes.
That doesn’t mean I can drop this idea.