Page 13 of Vicious Knight
There are guys and girls all over the living room. Some fully clothed, some naked. Actually, most are naked.
Some are fucking right there in the open, others are doing lines of cocaine off the tables or the topless girls waiting to be fucked.
When I turn down the hallway I find couples molded to the walls either making out or fucking. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and moaning follows me down the marble path until I reach the end.
Public sex and open drug taking is so commonplace to me now that it seems like part of the furniture or the paint on the walls.
I head into the break room and nod to the group of guys in the corner playing pool, then I spot Caspian sitting with Lucian Sokolov on the second-floor balcony.
They’re at the table by the long French windows and seem to be mulling over paperwork. I didn’t expect either of them to still be around at this hour.
Caspian lives in one of the special houses for married students, so I thought he would have gone home to Willow, his wife.
Lucian took his vows yesterday, so I thought he’d be celebrating with Eilish, the girl he doesn’t realize yet is his girlfriend.
I guess he and Caspian are getting a head start for the week we have planned for our pledges.
All the heirs to the Knights on campus are part of the Sigma unit, but there are separate units. Caspian and I will get to lead our unit until we graduate because we’re Ivanovs. Caspian is also the new fraternity president and I am his vice president.
As Raventhorn won’t have the pleasure of any other Ivanovs in attendance until the next generation, they’re making use of us.
They also know that we’re veterans of the type of hazing trials designed to fuck with your mind. When you live through the shit we’ve seen, you’re qualified to do anything.
We enlisted Lucian as the third member of our team. He’s in the year below us but we grew up together and have been through life together. Despite any difference we had in our younger years, we’ve become close since attending Raventhorn. It seemed fitting that the three of us lead together.
The pledges we accept will stay in our unit for the rest of their lives and will be classed as an elite group. Almost like a separate brotherhood.
In time to come when the leadership changes hands, Caspian will take the lead of the Knights and become the Pakhan of the Komarovski Bratva, the Brotherhood owned by the Knights. I will be his Sovientrik—second in command—and these will be our men.
Curiosity fills Caspian’s expression when he sees me approaching. He knows I spoke with his father and the conversation went to shit.
He has his father’s blond hair and stern eyes, but the gentleness of his late mother in his face gives him that touch of humanity that makes him different from his father.
“You look like shit.” Lucian smirks, scanning my face.
“Thanks, Sokolov. Shit was the exact look I was going for.” I flip him off and grab the nearest chair. “You should try it sometime. It’s not that bad.”
He chuckles and stands. “I’ll take that as my cue to leave. We have an early start tomorrow. I need my rest to deal with these guys.”
“You’re too good.” Caspian gives him a clipped nod and smiles.
“Just want to be in top form, Lord Commander.”
Caspian’s smile widens. “That title does have a nice ring to it.”
I roll my eyes at them both but I have to agree that the title does have a good sound; so does being second in command to the Lord Commander. I’m the one who gets to come up with all the wild ideas for the men to prove their loyalty. Like the game maker in the Hunger Games.
“See you both tomorrow.” Lucian bows his head.
“Have fun with Eilish.” He hates when I tease him about her, so I try to do it as often as possible.
“You know it’s not like that with us.”
“Yet.” I don’t know what he’s waiting for. The fuck if I could have a girl as hot as Eilish hanging on my arm and still call her my friend. I don’t believe in keeping girls as friends anyway.
“How about we cross that bridge when we get there.”
“If you say so.” I half-lunge at him.