Page 141 of Vicious Knight
But I know I didn’t.
I saw him. And he saw me.
Oh my God… he knows me.
Chapter 33
I have Lucian and the campus security scouring the grounds for that motherfucking fuck.
If he’s here I’ll find him, but I know in my heart that monster is gone.
I won’t even bother to question how he got on campus without anyone seeing him. All Knights know about the secret tunnels. And if you’re tech savvy, you’d know how to rig the cameras to your advantage.
I want to join the men but right now I have to take care of Ivy. She’s a nervous mess.
We’ve just arrived back at my place. I’m in the kitchen making her some herbal tea that Caspian’s mom used to make for us to calm us down.
When I’m done, I take it out to the living room to Ivy.
She looks worse in the few minutes that I’ve been gone.
“Drink this. It will help with the shock.” I hand the tea to her and she takes it with trembling hands. Her hands are shaking so much I fear the tea might spill in her lap.
It nearly does, so she sets the cup down on the coffee table.
“I’m sorry. I just need… a moment,” her voice rattles out in a stammer.
“Of course. Drink it in a few minutes.” I sit next to her and pull her into my chest.
“I can’t believe it, Thorne. I can’t believe it. He knows me.”
“This is my fault.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It has to be. Someone must have reported back to the man that I’m looking for him.” And he came after her because of me.
But does he actually know her?
I’ve never told her secret to anyone except Lucian. She doesn’t even know that he knows. I didn’t tell her because I didn’t want her to worry. She doesn’t know Lucian like I do, so there’s no basis for trust.
Outside of him, I’ve been careful with my words.
“I wish I could say I imagined that man, but I didn’t. He was right there in the bathroom with me. Then he was gone.”
It seems that he used the side door. I checked the bathroom myself after Ivy told me she saw him.
“He was on campus, Thorne. Right here on campus.”
“That means I smoked him out and he’s in Boston. We can find him and get to the bottom of everything.”
Terror fills her eyes, but I also read hope. She knows I’m right, and as bad as this incident was, it means I’m on the right track.
The motherfucker is part of that mercenary group, and now he’s on my turf.
“What are you going to do?”