Page 72 of Vicious Knight
“What did you hear?”
“That your uncle might not be opposed to me taking your spot. Imagine that. You’d end up working for me.” He laughs and steps around me. “See you later, roomie. I’m off to English class. Maybe I’ll experience a better welcome there.”
He heads to the door and I stare after him.
That was the next blow. It’s one thing to have a suspicion, but hearing your fears voiced by your nemesis is fucking low.
I’m right. Aleksander is working overtime to get rid of me.
It makes me wonder why.
And why this?
Why use the company against me?
Why would he use the only thing I have left from my father against me?
I had a fucking horrible day.
It turned sour from the moment I saw Aiden, then the guys got on my nerves.
During training only two of them proved to be ready for the Reckoning. No surprise that the two were Kade and Dmitri.
Alek came in a close third, but Logan got knocked out when he fell off the assault course.
It was a fucking shitshow.
If I only have two guys who are ready for the Reckoning, it means the rest of them are gonna die. And I can't have shit like that happening on my watch.
I’d be the only planner with dead men on his hands.
With the weight of the day on my shoulders, I walk into my apartment, eager to see Ivy.
She’s all I want right now. She was the only thing to pacify my mind.
The sweet scent of honey and roses fills my nose when I reach my living room, and I'm like the dragon tamed by the presence of precious jewels. My dick hardens when I see her little pink overnight bag on the sofa.
It’s been a while since I had a girl stay the night and I’ve never invited one to stay with me before. Ivy is the first.
I hear her in the kitchen so I make my way there. I find her standing over the stove. She turns to face me with that deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression of hers.
She straightens, putting her game face on to address me. She'd almost look like the shy wallflower, but that's not what she is. My little deer is as fierce as a fury. She's just been forced into this position because she knows if she pisses me off I'll ruin her.
“Hi,” she says in a meek, cautious voice.
“Hello.” I look her over.
Tonight she's wearing another tank top and a little mini-skirt.
Both are a baby blue color that brings out the metallic gleam of her eyes.
“I'm not really good with chicken,” she confesses, glancing over at the pieces of chicken I left out defrosting in a bowl of water. “I did oven pizza.”
“Next time, I'll teach you to make chicken.” I grin. “But the pizza works for tonight. Did you eat?”
“No, I waited for you.”
“All right, let's eat.” I point to the breakfast table.