Page 83 of Vicious Knight
“Ivy, come with me. Now.” The way I look at her this time with that sternness in my face should remind her that I own her and she isn’t to defy me.
She gets the message. I see the moment her eyes dull and her spirits fall in defeat.
Like a retreating general who knows he has to tell his men to fall back, she stands and gathers her things.
“Ivy. Don’t let this bully tell you what to do.” Aiden has the audacity to touch her again. This time latching on to her arm.
It takes very little for me to lose my shit, especially when it comes to him. So when I find myself grabbing my pocket knife from my back pocket and holding it out to his hand, I’m not surprised.
He is, though, and so is she.
“Get your hands off her or I'll slice you up and gut you like a fish. Rest assured this won’t be like last time. Ya ub'yu tebya, zasranets.” Calling him an asshole in Russian and telling him that I’ll kill him should show him how serious I am.
He removes his hand from Ivy and stares me down.
He got lucky when he managed to cut me during our last fight, but I wasn’t a Knight back then. I was being careful.
Things have changed drastically since, and this is Raventhorn. My territory. His family is part of the Italian mafia, so as an ally he’s considered a guest here. Any further disrespect to me means death, and not even he is foolish enough to test me in such a way.
Even without us being here at Raventhorn, he knows I’ll make good on my threat.
I put my knife away and look back at Ivy who is so shaken she looks like the breeze might blow her away.
We just had another first. The first time she’s seen me angry. And what she saw was just a taste.
She moves toward me and I slip an arm around her, guiding her away.
She’s shaking. Instinct makes me want to pull her closer but I don’t. I know she hates me right now.
I wait until we’re well out of earshot before I slow down and cut her a hard stare. “You told him you were single.”
“I am single.” Her eyes blaze and I swear I see fire burning in the depths of the smoky hues.
“What part of being mine makes you single?”
“You asshole. You are such an asshole. I wish I’d never met you.”
I grab her shoulders and stare her down. “Meeting me was the best fucking thing that could have ever happened to you. Don’t let me remind you of all the ways I’ve saved you.”
She doesn’t have a good comeback for that one because I’m right.
“I don’t want you hanging out with that guy in any shape or form.” I release her.
“He’s my tutor.”
“He wants to fuck you.”
Her entire face colors fiercely. “You don’t know that.”
“Of course I do. He’s a guy. I’m a guy, and I want to fuck you.”
“So why haven’t you?”
As soon as those words leave her lips, I know she regrets every single one. She probably meant to say it in defense of Aiden but the embarrassment in her eyes tells me more. It tells me she’s been thinking about it. About me fucking her.
She’s mortified, but that desire I crave from her is getting stronger. It’s winning and knocking down her walls, brick by brick.
Despite my rage I find myself giving her my usual menacing grin. “Well, look at this. Bambi wants the dragon to fuck her.”