Page 16 of Quick on the Claw
Bella nodded. “It’s okay. Alyx is good at being king and one of his strongest traits is dealing with different kingdoms, tribes, and communities. If ever there was a man perfect for that job, it’s him.”
“It’s true,” Zak nodded. “Alyx keeps all the royals communicating and the planet running smoothly. We all owe him for taking a task none of us would want.”
As the evening wore on, Tiffany found the attraction she’d felt in the garden only growing stronger. Zak’s intelligence, his humor, the way his eyes seemed to soften when they met hers – it all combined into an irresistible package that left her both exhilarated and slightly terrified.
By the time dessert was served – a confection that looked like spun moonlight and tasted like pure joy – Tiffany was thoroughly charmed. She barely noticed when Bella announced their travel arrangements for the next day, too caught up in another witty exchange with Zak.
As the dinner wound down, Bella announced that they would be leaving for the Larkana Forest Kingdom in the morning. “Zak has offered to escort you personally,” she added with a knowing smile in Tiffany’s direction.
“I thought perhaps you might like to ride in my shuttle,” Zak said to Tiffany, his voice low and rumbling. “I could give you a more... personal tour of the kingdom.”
Oh, hell. Her and him alone? How was she going to keep her hands to herself? Tiffany’s heart raced at the prospect of spending more time with him. “I’d like that,” she managed to say, proud of how steady her voice sounded.
Zak’s eyes seemed to glow with satisfaction at her response. “Excellent. I look forward to showing you the wonders of my kingdom.”
She glanced at Sia next to her and caught her waggling her eyebrows suggestively. Tiffany fought the urge to kick her under the table.
“Well,” Gerri interjected with a knowing smile, “it seems our travel arrangements are settled. Sia and I will take the second shuttle. I’m sure we can find plenty to chat about on the journey.”
As the dinner party began to disperse, Tiffany found herself lingering, reluctant to end her time with Zak. He seemed to share the sentiment, his steps slowing as they walked to the main hall.
“I hope you’ll find the Larkana Forest Kingdom to your liking,” he said, his deep voice sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. “It’s quite different from King Alyx’s domain.”
Tiffany smiled up at him, feeling a surge of anticipation. “I’m sure it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see it.”
“And I can’t wait to show it to you,” Zak replied, his gaze intense. For a moment, Tiffany felt as if the rest of the world had faded away, leaving just the two of them.
The spell was broken by Sia’s voice calling from down the hall. “Tiff! Come on, we need to pack.”
Tiffany blinked, coming back to reality with a start. “I should go,” she said reluctantly. “Early start tomorrow and all that.”
Zak nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Of course. Sleep well, Tiffany. I’ll see you in the morning.”
As Tiffany turned to leave, she felt Zak’s hand briefly touch the small of her back – a gesture so quick and light she almost thought she’d imagined it. But the warmth that spread through her body at the contact was undeniably real.
Back in her room, Tiffany found Sia already there, practically bouncing with excitement.
“Okay, spill,” Sia demanded as soon as the door closed behind them. “What’s the deal with you and Mr. Tall, Dark, and Panther-y? There were some serious sparks flying across that dinner table.”
Tiffany couldn’t help but blush. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she mumbled unconvincingly.
Sia snorted. “Please. I haven’t seen you look at a guy like that since... well, ever. And don’t think I didn’t notice him offering you a private ride in his shuttle.” She waggled her eyebrows again. “He wants you to ride his shuttle,” she giggled. “Bow chicka wow wow.”
“Sia!” Tiffany exclaimed, throwing a pillow at her cousin’s head. “I don’t even know if it’s like that. He’s just being... hospitable.”
“Uh-huh. And I’m totally not looking for a big hunky shifter to tie to my bed.” Sia dodged the pillow with a laugh. “Come on, Tiff. You’ve got to admit, he’s pretty damn gorgeous. Those eyes? That body? And the way he looks at you... girl, if you don’t go for it, I might have to.”
Tiffany felt a surprising surge of possessiveness at Sia’s words. “Don’t you dare,” she said more sharply than she intended.
Sia’s eyes widened in delight. “Ooh, someone’s feeling territorial already! Don’t worry, honey. I wouldn’t dream of stepping on your toes. Besides,” she added with a grin, “I’m just waiting to see what surprises I find when we get to Zak’s kingdom. Did you see his arms? I bet he could bench-press a car. If I could find one as big as him with that same I’m gonna eat you up look, I’m staying here for life.”
As Sia continued to chatter about the various attractive men they’d encountered, Tiffany’s mind wandered back to Zak. There was no denying the attraction she felt toward him. It wasn’t just his physical appearance, impressive as that was. There was something about his presence, the quiet strength and intelligence in his eyes, that drew her in.
But was she ready for this? She’d come to Nova Aurora for a break, yes, but she hadn’t expected to feel such an immediate connection with anyone, let alone the king of an alien forest kingdom.
As she packed her bags for the journey to Larkana, Tiffany’s thoughts were a whirlwind of excitement and apprehension.
With a mix of nervous energy and anticipation thrumming through her veins, Tiffany finally crawled into bed. As she drifted off to sleep, her dreams were filled with golden eyes, lush forests, and the promise of adventure.