Page 37 of Quick on the Claw
Tiffany’s eyes widened. “Oh no, you didn’t.”
“Oh, but I did,” Zak chuckled. “Picture this: five children running through the palace halls, the future king wearing chest plates and arm guards three times too big for him, clanking and stumbling every few steps. We were reenacting the ancient battle of King Yerik the Bold against the Shadow Beasts. We managed to knock over two priceless vases and terrify the royal chef before my father caught us.”
Tiffany burst out laughing, the mental image too hilarious to contain. “What did he do?”
Zak’s smile turned nostalgic. “He tried to look stern, but I could see the pride in his eyes. He made me polish every piece of armor in the royal armory as punishment, but later that night, he came to my room and told me he was proud of me for taking an interest in our history and for leading my friends in battle, even if it was just pretend.”
“He sounds like he was a wonderful father,” Tiffany said softly, reaching across the table to squeeze Zak’s hand.
“He was,” Zak nodded. “He taught me that being a good king means balancing duty with humanity. It’s a lesson I try to remember every day.” He paused, his thumb tracing circles on the back of Tiffany’s hand. “What about you? What was Little Tiffany like?”
Tiffany’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I was a handful. My parents were always so focused on status and appearances, but my grandmother... she encouraged my wild side. Every summer, I’d stay with her, and those were the best times of my life.”
“Tell me about her,” Zak encouraged, leaning forward with genuine interest.
“She was amazing,” Tiffany said, her voice warm with affection. “She taught me how to bake, how to garden, and most importantly, how to stand up for myself. There was this one summer, I must have been about ten...”
As Tiffany launched into a story about how her grandmother had helped her set up a lemonade stand to raise money for the local animal shelter, defying her parents’ wishes, Zak found himself captivated. He watched the play of emotions across her face, the way her hands moved animatedly as she spoke, and fell in love with her all over again.
“...and then,” Tiffany said, barely containing her laughter, “this snooty lady from my mom’s country club showed up. She took one look at our stand and said, ‘Well, isn’t this quaint.’ Without missing a beat, my grandmother said, ‘Yes, it is. That’ll be twenty dollars.’”
Zak’s deep laugh joined Tiffany’s. “I wish I could have met her,” he said. “She sounds like a formidable woman.”
“She would have loved you,” Tiffany said, her eyes softening. “She always told me to find someone who would appreciate me for who I am, not for who my family was or how much money we had.”
“Wise advice,” Zak murmured, bringing Tiffany’s hand to his lips for a soft kiss. “And for the record, I appreciate everything about you, Tiffany. Your intelligence, your humor, your compassion...”
“My stunning good looks?” Tiffany teased, batting her eyelashes exaggeratedly.
Zak’s eyes darkened with desire. “Oh, those too. Definitely those.”
The atmosphere shifted, the air between them crackling with tension. Tiffany bit her lip, a move that drew Zak’s gaze immediately.
“You know,” she said, her voice low and playful, “on Earth, it’s considered very rude to stare at a lady like that.”
Zak’s lips curled into a smirk. “Well then, it’s a good thing we’re not on Earth, isn’t it? Because I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.”
Tiffany felt a shiver run down her spine at his words. She leaned forward, her voice dropping to a whisper. “And what if I told you I don’t want you to stop?”
In one fluid motion, Zak stood and pulled Tiffany to her feet, drawing her close. “Then I’d say,” he murmured, his lips barely brushing against hers, “that we’re in perfect agreement.”
As their lips met in a passionate kiss, Tiffany marveled at how quickly the mood could shift between them – from lighthearted reminiscence to flirtatious banter to this all-consuming desire. It was exhilarating, this dance they were learning together.
When they finally parted, both slightly breathless, Zak rested his forehead against hers. “I love you, Tiffany,” he said softly. “Every day, my love for you grows by leaps and bounds.”
Tiffany’s heart swelled with emotion. “I love you too, Zak,” she whispered. “More than I ever thought possible.”
As they swayed together to the soft music, lost in their own world, Tiffany knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. And that was all that mattered.
“You know,” Zak said as they finished their meal, his expression turning serious, “I meant what I said earlier about taking things at your pace. I know this situation isn’t... conventional, by Earth standards.”
Tiffany intertwined her fingers with his. “I’m starting to think that conventional is overrated,” she said with a soft smile. “Zak, I can’t pretend to understand everything about shifter matings or what it means to be queen. But I do know that what I feel for you is real. And I want to see where this goes. I want everything and I want it with you.”
The joy that lit up Zak’s face was breathtaking. “I love you, Tiffany,” he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear in their slow dance. “And I promise you, whatever challenges we face, we’ll face them together.”
Tiffany’s heart soared at his words. She tilted her head up, meeting his lips in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. In that moment, all her doubts and fears melted away. She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew that as long as they were together, it would be okay.
As they swayed together in the soft, pulsing light of the flowers, Tiffany made a silent vow. She would embrace this new life, this unexpected adventure. She would stand by Zak’s side, supporting him as he led his people. And she would pour all her love and energy into making their relationship work, no matter what obstacles they might face.