Page 46 of Quick on the Claw
Zak stayed completely still for a few seconds. He knew he was done for. All his self-control was gone. As he accepted this, he felt the panther inside roaring, flooding his cells with strength. He cried out as his primal nature took over, the animal cascading through his blood, rewriting his thoughts.
He began to thrust harder and faster, Tiffany’s hips bouncing against him as he gripped her hips and controlled the speed of his lifts and drops. She let out sharp cries at the end of every thrust as he slammed into the hot, wet end of her, and when she spasmed against him, he snarled.
He thrust up, his hands braced on her hips. Their bodies were still locked together, and he could feel her gripping him, the aftershocks of the orgasm still running through her.
Zak waited for the blood to return to his brain. He still couldn’t quite believe this had happened. His mate, his queen, and the most beautiful woman he’d ever met not only wanted him, but wanted him as much as he did her.
He opened his eyes. She was watching him. She smiled at him, and it was as if he could feel the joy radiating from her very soul.
She leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was soulful and deep. As if she wanted to touch the loneliest parts of him. The parts he showed no one.
Tiffany ran her hand down his cheek. Such a simple gesture, but it seemed to echo through him. It was more than lust, it was intimacy, and it was there in her gentle hand as well as her beautiful soft eyes. Zak felt his cock harden immediately, and her muscles tightened around him in response. He leaned forward and kissed her very softly.
“More?” he whispered, very close to her lips.
“Always more,” she whispered back, nodding eagerly. Zak smiled. His mind, body, and soul were more than willing to obey.
As the first hints of dawn began to lighten the sky, Zak reluctantly sat up. “We should head back,” he said, though he was loath to end their magical night. “The kingdom will be waking soon, and I have a feeling we have a busy day ahead of us.”
Tiffany nodded, stretching languidly before standing. As they gathered their things and prepared to leave the enchanted grove, she turned to Zak with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“So,” she said, a smirk playing on her lips, “when do I get to see you in your panther form? I bet you’re just a big, cuddly kitty under all that royal majesty.”
Zak raised an eyebrow, a playful growl rumbling in his chest. “Cuddly kitty, am I? I’ll have you know, I’m a fierce predator.”
Tiffany laughed, the sound echoing through the purple forest. “Uh-huh. Sure you are, cat-man. I still bet you purr when your ears are scratched.”
“Well,” Zak said, pulling her close, “I suppose you’ll just have to find out for yourself, won’t you?”
As they made their way back to the palace, hand in hand, Zak felt a sense of anticipation building in his chest. The future stretched out before them, full of possibilities and challenges. But with Tiffany by his side, he was ready to face whatever came their way.
The kingdom was about to change, and Zak couldn’t wait to see what adventures lay ahead for him and his Earth queen.
Tiffany eyed the iridescent liquid swirling in the syringe with a mix of fascination and trepidation. Dr. Viiks, the alien physician, held it up to the light, their multifaceted eyes gleaming with pride.
“This, my dear Earthlings, is the culmination of years of research that started with Queen Bella,” he announced, his voice filled with excitement. “A specially designed immunobooster tailored to your unique physiology.”
Sia, perched on the examination table next to Tiffany, leaned forward with interest. “So, Doc, what exactly is this magic potion going to do to us?”
Dr. Viiks’s skin rippled with amusement, a Nova Auroran equivalent of a chuckle. “It’s not magic, Miss Sia. It’s advanced xenobiology. This injection will enhance your immune systems, making you more resistant to Nova Auroran pathogens.”
Tiffany raised an eyebrow. “And the whole mating thing? How does that factor in?”
The doctor’s skin flushed a deeper shade of blue. “Ah, yes. Well, the, erm, exchange of bodily fluids during mating with your Nova Auroran partners will introduce beneficial microorganisms into your system. Combined with this injection, it should render you immune to most issues a regular Earthling would face here.”
Sia’s eyes widened comically. “Wait, so you’re telling me that after this shot and a good roll in the hay with Draven, I’ll basically be a superhero?”
Tiffany snorted, unable to contain her laughter. “Oh my god, Sia. Only you could make alien immunology sound like a trashy romance novel. I highly doubt you’ll suddenly be able to fly.”
Dr. Viiks looked bewildered. “I’m not familiar with this ‘roll in the hay’ concept, but I assure you, Miss Sia, you won’t develop superpowers. You’ll simply be better adapted to life on Nova Aurora.”
Sia pouted playfully. “Aw, and here I was hoping for x-ray vision or something cool like that. I’d love to be able to see Draven naked in the middle of dinner or while we’re out on a walk.”
Tiffany shook her head, still chuckling. “Or you can wait to get back and get him naked for real. I think being able to survive on an alien planet is pretty cool in itself, don’t you?”
As Dr. Viiks prepared to administer the injections, the door to the medical bay swished open. Zak and Draven strode in, their imposing figures filling the room.
Zak’s golden eyes immediately sought out Tiffany, a smile softening his regal features. “How is my favorite Earthling faring?”