Page 7 of Quick on the Claw
Zak stiffened slightly, his jaw tightening. “Mother, we’ve discussed this before. My focus is on ruling the kingdom, not on?—”
“On your personal happiness?” Astra interrupted gently. “My son, the two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I would argue that having a partner by your side would make you a stronger ruler.”
Zak frowned, pushing his plate away. “The kingdom needs a leader focused on its needs, not distracted by romantic pursuits.”
Astra reached across the table, placing her hand over his. “Zak, do you remember the bond your father and I shared? How we ruled together, each supporting and balancing the other?”
A flicker of pain crossed Zak’s face at the mention of his father. “Of course, I remember. But that kind of love, that partnership... it’s rare. And I have yet to find anyone who?—”
“Who challenges you? Who makes you see the world differently?” Astra finished for him. “Perhaps that’s because you’re not looking in the right places.”
Zak raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Astra leaned back, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I’ve been thinking. Our kingdom has seen an influx of Earthlings in recent years as more shifters discover their heritage and seek to connect with their ancestral home. Perhaps it’s time we brought in some help from Earth – someone to educate our youth about their new home, and to bridge the gap between our two worlds.”
Zak considered this, intrigued despite himself. “An interesting idea. But how does this relate to finding a mate?”
Astra’s smile widened. “My dear son, sometimes the most unexpected encounters lead to the greatest adventures. Who knows? Your perfect match might just be an Earth woman with a passion for teaching and a thirst for new experiences.”
Zak couldn’t help but chuckle. “Mother, are you suggesting I import a potential queen from another planet?”
“I’m suggesting you open your mind to possibilities beyond our borders,” Astra replied. “Besides, having an Earth educator here could benefit our kingdom in many ways. It would help our young ones understand their dual heritage and prepare them for a future where our worlds are increasingly connected.”
As Zak mulled over his mother’s words, a small shape darted out from beneath a nearby bush. Nyx, Zak’s loyal panther companion, padded silently to his side, rubbing against his leg with a low purr.
Zak absently scratched behind Nyx’s ears, his mind whirling with the implications of his mother’s suggestion. “It’s an intriguing idea,” he admitted. “But how would we even begin to arrange such a thing?”
Astra’s eyes twinkled. “As it happens, I may know someone who could help. Have you ever heard of Geraldine Wilder?”
The rest of Zak’s day passed in a whirlwind of activity. Council meetings blurred together, each one seeming to bring a new challenge or conflict. As the afternoon sun reached its peak, Zak found himself in yet another heated debate with his advisors.
“Your Majesty, with all due respect, these progressive policies you’re proposing are too radical,” Rickon Kynon, his chief advisor, argued. The older man’s lean frame was tense, his dark eyes glinting with barely concealed frustration. “They go against centuries of tradition and could destabilize the very foundations of our society.”
Zak fought to keep his voice level, his hands clasped tightly behind his back to hide their clenching. “Traditions evolve, Rickon. We cannot cling to the past at the expense of our future. The world is changing, and we must change with it.”
“Change is one thing, Your Majesty,” another advisor chimed in, “but to suggest allowing commoners a voice in government decisions? It’s unheard of!”
“Perhaps that’s precisely why it needs to be heard,” Zak countered. “How can we truly serve our people if we don’t listen to their needs and concerns?”
The debate raged on, voices rising and falling like stormy waves. By the time the council finally adjourned, Zak’s head was pounding, and his patience was wearing thin.
As the advisors filed out, Rickon lingered behind. “Your Majesty,” he began, his tone carefully neutral, “I hope you understand that our concerns come from a place of loyalty to the kingdom. We only want what’s best for our people.”
Zak met the older man’s gaze, searching for sincerity in those dark depths. “I understand, Rickon. But what’s best for our people isn’t always what’s most comfortable for us. We must be willing to adapt, to grow.”
Rickon’s lips tightened into a thin line. “Of course, Your Majesty. If you’ll excuse me.” With a stiff bow, he turned and left the chamber.
Zak watched him go, a nagging sense of unease settling in his gut. He trusted Rickon’s experience and dedication, but lately, it seemed as though every new idea was met with resistance and skepticism. The growing tension between them was becoming a constant source of stress, adding to the already heavy burden of leadership.
With a weary sigh, Zak made his way to his private study. The room was a sanctuary of sorts, filled with books from both Nova Aurora and Earth, maps of the kingdom, and artifacts that spoke to the rich history of his people. He moved to the large window overlooking the forest, losing himself in the sea of green that stretched to the horizon.
A soft knock at the door pulled him from his reverie. “Enter,” he called, turning to see his mother gliding into the room.
Astra took one look at his face and frowned. “Another difficult council meeting?”
Zak nodded, running a hand through his short hair. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing, Mother. Pushing for these changes, going against centuries of tradition...”