Page 1 of Strictly Forbidden
A peal of thunder cracked across the ominous night sky, a clear indication the horrific storm was making its final approach.
I shifted against the building, trying to catch my breath and secure my bearings. I’d managed to escape, fighting the weakness and nausea from the sedatives the monster had used. But every limb was heavy, every step I took as if doing so in quicksand. It was dark. Why did it have to be so dark? As the first drops of rain hit my face, I relished the stinging sensations, my skin little more than mottled bruises.
After finally catching my breath, I scanned the vast area, searching desperately for any hint of light, praying someone could help me. There was nothing. No people milling the empty street, no sounds of laughter or anything indicating there was other life.
Than him.
The embodiment of evil.
I closed my eyes, my entire body trembling. Hot tears trickled down my face, seconds later turning into racking sobs. Horrified, I slapped my hand across my mouth, fearful he’d hear me. I had to fight, to flee the horrible prison, but I was fearful I had nothing left to give. More determined, I wiped my face with my filthy hands and scooted to the corner of the building, darting my head toward the street.
The place was a deserted town, its buildings housing only members of the homeless. Almost everywhere I looked there was trash and other debris, most facilities dilapidated as if they’d been abandoned for some time.
The place and the horrific night were a carbon copy of… no. I couldn’t go down that wretched road or I’d never manage to escape and this was my one chance.
Seeing no one, I ventured out further, careful with my steps as I headed to what I was certain was a dense forest. I remembered bits and pieces of being brought here, the sedative not strong enough to do anything but keep my mind fuzzy and my muscles too weak to fight.
I took another few gulps of air before dashing across what had to be an alley, giving myself a mental high five when I made it to the other side. My entire body ached, the lack of food and constant beatings taking a toll on every muscle.
As well as my mind.
You can do this. You can do this. Go. Go. Go.
I glanced all around me again, doing everything I could not to dry heave. There was nothing of any substance in my stomach, food a distant memory. At least other than bread and water. I rubbed my wrists, the thick coil I’d broken free from leaving a wound that was itching from the dried blood. A part of me just wanted to accept my fate. That the bastard was going to kill me. But his plans were sick, repulsive. He was using women for something. What? Body parts? Draining their blood?
I’d conjured up so many stories, so many horrors.
I waited, still listening. Still praying. I could see the forest. The trees were real.
Just like in one of my stories.
My God, the bastard had recreated one of my books. I hadn’t realized what he’d done, the lengths he’d gone to until I scanned the deserted street. Sadly, in my book, none of the victims managed to get away. Time to change the ending. With a solid boost of adrenaline, I finally decided I was ready to do this.
But I heard a metallic scrape and froze, sucking in and holding my breath.
And a whistle, a melodic tune that I knew far too well.
He’s coming. Run. Run!
It was the same one he used every time he stomped downstairs into the basement where I’d been kept for days, maybe weeks. There was no night, no day. No light, just darkness and cold.
I could swear even now I could hear his footsteps on the rickety wooden stairs.
Heavy thumps.
I’d never seen his face, but I knew he was huge, very muscular.
I pressed my body against the cracked brick, trying to find an alternative way of escaping. The whistling continued, a happy tune of a kid’s nursery rhyme that had already dulled my senses. I slapped my hands over my ears, trying desperately to drown it out. Another wave of tears and anguish rushed through me.
If I didn’t run now, he’d win. He’d fucking win.
Do it. Do it. Run. Run!
I took off sprinting, doing everything I could to keep from shrieking. Even if there was someone here, they wouldn’t help me. They’d never go against the Claw. I ran hard and fast, even though my bare feet were bruised and bloody. Rocks penetrated my skin, the pain blinding. But I continued. I had to. Going back wasn’t an option. I knew what horrors he’d inflict, the agony that would go on for hours.