Page 5 of Strictly Forbidden
“Old argument, Doc. Move on.”
She shook her head, laughing bitterly. “You’re a fucking hard man to understand.”
“What do you want, to berate me? To ask me to promise I won’t defend myself again? That’s not going to happen.”
“No. I’m here to offer you a way out.”
I had to admit, in the times we’d met, I hadn’t considered our little chats would help me get parole, which had a slim to nil chance. Now I was the one leaning over, doing my usual attempt at intimidating her.
To the woman’s credit, she wasn’t afraid. Instead, she also leaned forward as she’d done before, lifting a single eyebrow.
“What’s that, Doc? Becoming born again? I don’t believe in God.”
“No, but you do care about two things. Women and animals.”
What in fuck’s sake was she getting at? “Yeah, so?”
Dr. Daniels pulled another file from her worn briefcase, placing her hand over it without opening. “So, I have an opportunity that I think you’re perfect for.”
“What’s that?”
Her expression softened. “There’s a program where inmates assist animals, training them usually over a five- or six-month period to become therapy dogs.”
Snorting, I took another gulp of my Coke. “I ain’t qualified.”
“Yes, you are. What about Jake?”
I shoved the table hard enough that her eyes opened wide. “Don’t mention him again. Another subject that’s off limits.”
“Take a deep breath for me and listen. This particular program is all about saving and nurturing animals who were abused, considered unredeemable. Most were on the euthanasia list, completely unadoptable. This gives them and you a chance at learning about kindness all over again.”
The woman had chiseled into my psyche enough to know I’d press her for more details. “What does that entail?”
“Living with them, feeding them. Walking them. Training them. Playing with them. You will become their guardian and in turn, you’ll be moved to a different location in the prison allowing you access to the grounds. If you’re lucky, the pup will graduate and move onto becoming a support animal for someone in need. And I assure you there are plenty of people who’ve suffered tragedies like you have, some even much worse.”
I eyed her carefully, my heart aching.
“I’m no dog trainer, Doctor. I don’t have any qualifications. We’ll fail.”
“Bullshit. It’s about caring for them, showing them love after what they’d been through. This program is more about providing service animals for people who’ve been through a crisis. A tragedy, a loss, being attacked. If these pups can relearn people are decent, they will be the best companions. Loyal. Loving. Protective.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Do you really need to ask me that?” she asked, offering a gentle smile. “You need this, Kage. You need to be reminded you’re very human.”
I looked away.
“Plus, if you’re successful and finish the program without an issue, it’s entirely possible you’ll get parole this time around.”
Now I laughed out loud. “They ain’t giving me parole. They’re owned by certain… bad guys.”
“Don’t do that. You obviously have no clue how tenacious I am. I will get you a decent review because I will be there.” She pulled out a few pictures, slapping them on the table. “Take a good look at their faces, Kage. Marty here was shot with a BB gun over and over again, chained to a fence. The collar dug into his skin and he almost suffocated. Lindy Lou was left by her former owners in the backyard with no water, no food. Wally was regularly beaten, his front legs broken. He’s lucky they didn’t need to be amputated. And Max. Yeah, well, Max was set on fire and if it hadn’t been for a Good Samaritan, he would have died. These are a few of the faces who need someone to show them love again. You can be that man.”
I glanced at the photographs, another type of rage tearing through me. One in particular nearly broke my heart. If I had one. I jerked up, moving toward the door. “I can’t do that. I’ll destroy whoever you provide.”
“No, you won’t, Kage. I know better. Please, let me offer you something that will remind you there is still a life for you to live. Please.”
Her pleading was also abnormal, but I couldn’t look at her. “They won’t allow me into the program.”