Page 7 of Strictly Forbidden
“In the case of the program being established in Florence, Colorado, you are correct.”
“Whoa. The supermax prison?” I knew my mouth was hanging open.
“Yes, Noel. The men chosen are those considered redeemable themselves. As I said, it’s a well-respected program that has a ninety-eight percent success rate. It offers the inmates a reason to rehabilitate while allowing the abused dogs to feel as if someone gives a damn. In turn, they become a loving animal to someone, such as yourself, who needs support.”
“So, you make a call and I get a dog?”
He laughed. “No, it doesn’t work that fast. Since the program is just getting started, it will take a few months for you to receive your pup if you qualify, which I doubt you’ll have an issue with given your record. But I assure you, it’ll be worth the wait.”
My record. As if I’d been the one to kidnap and torture nine women.
Sure, I was no fool. If something didn’t change, I’d end up losing everything I’d worked so hard to achieve, but finding the energy to take care of a special needs animal? I wasn’t so certain.
Still, it was a glimmer of hope in the ugly darkness. I glanced at the paperwork again, finally pushing the file away. This was so tough, as if admitting I had a problem. “Can I think about it?”
“Sure, but don’t take too long. Since I was alerted to the program yesterday morning, the spots have almost been filled. I have a temporary hold on one but only for forty-eight hours.”
“I’ll let you know before then.”
“Strongly consider this option, Noel. You need a companion if nothing else and a dog might be the best way to remind you that not everyone out there is a monster. You will feel safer.”
Was that really possible?
The intelligent girl that I’d always been would easily agree that I already knew that. Unfortunately, the girl still locked inside that horrible dark place was the one controlling everything about me from what I ate to what television programs I watched. I hated the fucker’s control over me. Loathed it.
“I promise you I’ll seriously consider it. I really will.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” he said. “Now, tell me about the latest nightmares.”
“I don’t know, Zoe. It just sounds farfetched to me.” At least my discussion with the good doctor had been somewhat productive. I’d managed not only to invite my best friend over, I’d also followed through with it. I was infamous for cancelling at the last moment.
She popped a shrimp into her mouth as she swirled her wine.
I made funny faces on purpose until she almost choked.
“Stop,” she wheezed. “You’re terrible.”
“That’s why you love me.”
“Uh-huh.” She wiped her mouth and sat back on the barstool. “Give me your laptop.”
“Because I asked you to. Because I’m your best friend who you’ve ignored for weeks and because if you don’t, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Well,” I huffed. “Since you put it that way.” Thank God I could laugh around her. As I headed to my office, the first rumble of thunder from an approaching storm caught my attention. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall, doing the breathing exercises the good doctor had shown me how to do. Usually, they didn’t work. Today, they did.
I was even able to smile, lifting my middle finger toward the window. Fuck the storm and the horrible psychopath. I grabbed my laptop, heading back into the kitchen. Zoe immediately grabbed it, lifting the lid. Her fingers flew across the keyboard. She’d been a good friend since I’d arrived, an attorney who’d helped with the purchase of my house. Even if that wasn’t her forte. She was a criminal attorney and someone I could trust without question. She’d simply been doing her cousin the real estate agent a favor.
I’d asked her if she wanted to have a glass of wine and we’d been fast friends ever since.
“I’ve heard about the program,” she said in passing. “I knew it was coming to the area as I was contacted to suggest any of my… clients that could be eligible.”
“Is it any good?”
“Highly successful in other areas of the country. I just don’t know how it will work at the supermax prison. Usually, they only allow minimum security prisoners to handle the animals. The nonviolent types.”
I shuddered at the thought. I knew what the doctor was doing, trying to get me to face and conquer my fears in an entirely different way. It wasn’t a bad idea. I just… I wasn’t certain I had any love to give anyone, least of all an animal who’d been abused.