Page 93 of Royal Mistake
“I think I pried it out of him, like I have almost every other scrap of information. When we’re not bickering, we’re…” I had to look away.
“He really does like you, Selena. A rarity.”
“Oh, come on. He’s had his pick of any woman he wanted, in this town or the entire country.”
“Yeah, well, let me give you a hint. Don’t believe everything you read in the press. Successful men not only don’t make good partners, they also attract some wackos.”
“O-kay. That doesn’t bode well for my pretend marriage.”
His smile was quite infectious, allowing me to notice the same dimples Valerio had. They were definitely brothers.
Before he had a chance to say anything, a man approached. He was wearing sunglasses even on this dark day.
“Gage,” he said, acknowledging the other Royal.
“Timothy,” Gage said. There was obvious recognition, but I wasn’t certain if they were on friendly terms or not. “This is Serena Michaels.”
“Yes, I was finally told the news. Congratulations are in order. I understand your father is Caldwell Michaels.”
“Yes, I am his very proud daughter.” I held out my hand, trying to figure out if the man had a tone in his voice or not. “And I am Valerio’s fiancée.” I didn’t sugarcoat it or lay on the lovey-dovey shit. Right now was the time for prudence until Valerio and I could figure out who we trusted.
“I imagine you are. I respect the work your father has done with Task Force United. I often mentioned him to Sebastian, your father’s work ethic top notch.”
“Which is why I’m proud to be working with him.”
“Selena, this is Timothy Carter, another vice president of Progressive Media Productions.”
“Well, I would say the only vice president given Valerio will be formally named president by the board later this week,” Timothy said.
“Yes, he will.” Gage was still devoid of any emotion. I gathered they weren’t friends.
However, I couldn’t help but notice the excessive tension in the air.
“We’ll all need to discuss the New York firm,” Timothy added.
Gage bristled. “Now isn’t the time or the place.”
“You’re right. Anyway, I wanted to offer my congratulations even though this is such a difficult time,” Timothy added.
“Thank you very much. I hope to give Valerio all the support he needs,” I told him.
“He’s a lucky man. I’ll talk to you soon, Gage. I need to pay my respects to your mother.”
Gage did nothing but nod.
“Good guy or bad guy?” I asked after Timothy had left.
“He’s been in the company for years, always loyal, always right there when Pops needed him. Good guy.”
“Then why don’t you like him?”
His smile returned. “Valerio said you don’t miss much. We competed for the same woman, believe it or not.”
“Well, if it’s any condolence, you should have won hands down.”
“I like you. Sadly, I didn’t win but I have a feeling the two are made for each other. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for the wedding or for the endeavor. I think you’ll like being in this family. Or maybe I should say, I think we’ll like having you in it. Sometimes we all need a solid kick in the ass.”
Even the way his eyes twinkled lessened the tension.