Page 27 of Hotwife
“Eek! Cedric, I can’t wait!” Gently placing the dress back in its box, I crawled to the edge of the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stiffened for a moment before tapping my back lightly. Ugh. It was a far cry from the passion I’d experienced the day prior, but I loved him, and he was trying. That had to count for something. Though I wasn’t quite sure what brought on his change of attitude. Beggars can’t be choosers.
* * *
Candlelight twinkled across the dimly lit restaurant, casting tiny little stars on the expertly polished wine glasses. Bubble champagne tickled my tongue as I relished the bittersweet essence.
Cedric sipped his pinot noir across from me, wearing a dark grey pinstripe suit and royal blue tie. His platinum silver hair was combed back and his shoulders broad and defined in his coat. He looked sharp and swoon-worthy. Cora was right. I was a lucky bitch, indeed.
“Cheers,” Cedric said, lifting his glass, “to new beginnings.”
My heart caught in my bubbly as I clinked his glass. “You look radiant, Dot.”
“Thank you,” I smiled back, his toast catching my attention. “What do you mean by new beginnings?”
Cedric reached across the table, taking my hand. Something warm swelled in my chest at the public display of adoration. “Darling, I’ve been thinking a lot about the other day, and our entire situation. I’ve realized that this isn’t what I want. This isn’t how I want to be.”
“What do you mean?” Confusion muddled my thoughts as I thumbed the bottom of my champagne flute.
“I don’t want to be the man that I’ve been. The husband I’ve been. I’ve grown complacent, and you’re the one who’s suffered in the wake of my issues.” He noticed my furrowed brow and elaborated. “I called Tiffany and made an appointment. I think that’s a solid start. But I want to work on this. I want to get to the place we used to be…” His fingers found my ring and twirled in around on my finger. I always wore it solo. It was too beautiful to wear with a wedding band. It deserved all the spotlight of my ring finger. He raised my knuckles to his lips and brushed them over my hand softly. Red heated my cheeks. It was an innocent movement, but after so long with nothing, it had been the most erotic thing my husband had done in a very long time.
“The way we used to be. Making love, touching, feeling closer to one another. I want that with you, Dot. No more of these…” He paused, searching for a non-offensive word, no doubt. “Entanglements. These other… guys,” he finished.
My mouth swung open in shock.
Taking a heavy sip, I finished my glass. A waiter promptly appeared, refilling it from the ice bucket flanking our table. Nodding my thanks, he disappeared and my attention returned to my husband. Looking sharp, pensive, and debonair.
“You want to go back to having sex with me?” I repeated in disbelief.
“Is that so shocking?” he countered, swirling his wine and taking a sip. “This was never meant to be a permanent solution. It’s been just a bump in the road.”
Who was this man? Days prior, he’s stiff in all the wrong places. Tonight he’s saying he wants me all to himself and he’s booked a therapy appointment to get his head on straight.
“I don’t know if it’ll be that easy, Ced. It’s been a long time and even today you cringed when I hugged you-”
“Are you saying you don’t want to?”
“No, I’m not saying that. I’m just pointing out that I think it’s going to take a lot more work than just one nice dinner and some hand holding.”
Cedric leaned back in his seat, tensing his jaw. Servers filtered by, clearing plates and refilling water glasses. The sounds of their clinking and niceties acting as a buffer between the conversation grenade on the table.
“Is there someone you don’t want to give up? Someone else?” he asked darkly, staring down at the table, expression stern and unmoving.
“No. I just think-”
“Then it’s settled. We stop this foolishness and get back to basics.” Cedric picked up the black folder and pulled out his wallet to pay the tab.
Why did I feel like I just got steamrolled by everything I’d been pining for so long? Anger burned between my shoulders. If he’d said this only three weeks ago, I’d have been crying with happiness. But he chooses now. Right now. After I’ve met this fiery and passionate man. Now my husband decides he wants a sexual, monogamous relationship.
“You’re unbelievable,” I muttered, standing and tossing my napkin on the table. “I’m going to the ladies room.” Clutching my handbag, my heels clicked towards the black marble, too-freaking-dark restroom. My dress was too tight, it was pinching my ribs. Everything felt tight and small in that moment. After using the restroom, I washed my hands in ice cold water and splashed a bit on my face, not worrying about my makeup.
Cedric was probably at the car, seething at the fact that I was making him wait. What was it about doctors that they could make a person wait for so long, yet the moment they have to be patient they lose their shit?
That was, ironically, a vital piece of my situation right now, wasn’t it?
Slinking out of the ladies’ room, I took a detour past the main restaurant and took an employee entrance out into a side alley. Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through my texts. One from Des.
Desmond: I need to see you again.