Page 24 of Hawk
He says, “If I could go back and do it all over again, I would’ve spent more time trying to convince Gage not to do something so incredibly stupid.”
“Well, you can’t change the past, Gideon. All you can do is keep moving forward.”
He sits up, wraps his hand around my neck, takes a hard kiss from my lips, and says, “Yeah. You’re right.”
He gets up off the bed and walks to the bathroom while I lie here filled with emotions. I don’t know what’s happening between us. I just hope we’re on good enough terms to be parents for our sweet Lilly.
Chapter 9
A noise jars me up in the middle of the night. I’m probably just hearing things. Or maybe it’s Ivy. She’s not in bed with me. After those backshots I gave her, she must’ve gone back to sleep in the room where Lilly is.
I glance at the clock. It’s almost 3:00 a.m. I was just about to roll over and catch more shuteye when I hear more noise. This time, it sounds like glass shattering and I know for a fact my mind isn’t playing tricks on me.
I ease up, grab my gun from the bottom drawer of my nightstand and walk quietly down the hallway. I open the door to Ivy and Lilly’s room. They’re both lying there, sleeping soundly, so neither of them is the source of the noise. I had to rule that out first.
I head to the kitchen and see a shadow standing at the back door. The glass is busted out and it appears they’re trying to unlock the door from the inside.
Without warning I fire off a shot and the guy scrambles to get away. I wanted to chase him, but I didn’t want to leave Ivy and Lilly at the house unattended just in case there were more of them – whoever they are.
I go back to the room and shake Ivy awake.
“Hmm,” she says, groggy and sleep-ridden.
“Ivy, get up! Come on. I have to get you and Lilly out of here.”
“What? What’s…” she rubs her tired eyes asking, “What’s going on, Gideon?”
“Somebody tried to break into the house.”
The terrified look on her face troubles me, but I don’t have time to console her right now. I have to get my family to safety.
She gets up, dresses quickly, and straps Lilly in the car seat sitting by the bed.
“Come on. Get your things. We gotta go!” I say, encouraging her to move faster.
I take the car seat with Lilly, thankful that she’s so tired, she hasn’t woken up to any of this. I’m amazed they’d both slept through the glass shatter and the shot I fired off. I wanted to empty the clip, but for sure that would’ve woke them up. They’ve been through too much already to be having flashbacks.
Once we’re all in the Scat, I floor it to the clubhouse. Someone is usually always there, and I’m counting on that for the safety of my girls.
“It’s him. I know it is, but how did he find me?” Ivy asks.
“I’m not sure, but now, it’s my turn to find him.”
I pull up in front of the clubhouse, park, and say, “Get Lilly. I’m going to see if Prez is around.”
I go inside and find Loki at the bar slumped over. The man knows how to handle his liquor, so I know he isn’t drunk. He’s just there, probably devising plans for the operation of this joint and the whole club. The weight of it all is on his shoulders, but today, this early in the morning, we have more pressing matters.
I say, “Prez…”
“Hawk, what are you doing here so early? Heard you were shacking up with your ol’ lady. Y’all working it out, huh?”
“Something like that. Ay, listen, man. I got a problem. I can handle it on my own, but—”
“Now, you know that ain’t how we roll around here,” he says, cutting me off. “What seems to be the issue?”
“Somebody tried to break into my place a lil’ while ago. I think it’s the man Ivy is running from. I shot at him, but didn’t pursue…had to make sure Ivy and Lilly were fine.”