Page 3 of Make Me Forget
“The shit that was important and what really mattered in life. If I did…”
I looked away for a second, leaving the shit just like that for her to put together. When her hand graced my cheek, I almost yanked her ass to me. Gently pulling my face back to face her, she said, “If you did, what? I don’t like to assume, Kendrall.”
I licked my lips and watched her follow that shit back in my mouth like she was trying to remember what it felt like. No one knew about that kiss but the two of us. It was somewhat heated and not long after was when she shot her shot, and I friend zoned her.
“You would be mine, Cassie. I was stupid.”
“We were kids, Kendrall. We’ve both matured and moved on, no matter how difficult that was for me.”
She lowered her head, and it was my turn to make her face me. “I’m sorry. I was feeling you back then but didn’t want my cousins talking about me.”
“Because I was a tomboy with braces and glasses, looking like Monica from Love and Basketball.”
She smiled, and it caused me to do so as well. “Yeah,” I said, slowly shaking my head.
“Well, it’s in the past. Despite that, we did have a really good friendship. I recall you taking up for me a couple of times when I was the brunt of Christian’s jokes.”
“We did. I really hope we can rekindle that, for real. I missed you, Cassie.”
I grabbed her hand and held it while stroking the top of it with my thumb. Stepping closer to me, she hugged me again. I lowered my head to her ear, and I couldn’t help but close my eyes and kiss it. I wanted her so fucking bad. She pulled away and her skin was red again. Mine probably was too, because I was hot as hell.
“Talk to you soon,” she said.
I nodded and watched her walk away, wishing I would have just been open with her. I should’ve summoned my inner Storm and told her I didn’t give a fuck about her man and that I was who she should be with. It took a lot for that side of me to come out though. I was more like my dad when it came to the ladies. I was quiet and gentle. Cassie could fuck me over, and I would probably let her, as long as she didn’t threaten my physical safety.
Cassie was a sweet girl, but I sure in the hell was looking forward to learning who she was as a woman. I watched her get in her G-Wagon and leave, then watched the cashier run from the register. Oh shit! Cassie didn’t pay for her gas. When she came back in, I said, “I got it, but I need a receipt, too, for another pump.”
She breathed out a sigh of relief. I smiled slightly, because that was proof she was just as flustered as I was. She settled for that nigga she was engaged to. I was gon’ force her to see that shit too.
When I got home, all I wanted to do was have a glass of wine, take a bubble bath, get fucked, and go to sleep. I’d been working late for the past four days, but today, I was able to leave a little early. Being that I didn’t have class on Fridays made it even sweeter. I’d met Kendrall at the store to help him shop for Mr. Kenny’s birthday present. We’d had a great time as friends, although I knew I was gonna have to back off. My feelings were getting the best of me.
When we were looking at a design for a belt buckle, we ended up staring into each other’s eyes for far too long. I nearly succumbed to the pressure he was applying. I couldn’t do that to Mesani. He’d been good to me. We’d moved in together one month before I saw Kendrall at the gas station. He wined and dined me constantly, bought extravagant gifts, and catered to me in ways I’d only dreamed about.
I refused to betray him any further than I had already. Fantasizing about being Kendrall’s would eventually catch me slipping. Just my luck, I’d end up talking in my sleep and mention Kendrall’s name. That man was my first love, and it felt like I still loved him. That shit wasn’t fair to Mesani in the least bit. I didn’t know how I would effectively pull away from KJ, but it was something I was gonna have to do.
Mesani was already home, so I was excited that we would actually get to spend more time together today, instead of waiting for tomorrow. He worked so hard at his job and with his online classes, but he still made time to cook dinner when I was running late.
As I entered the back door, the smell of food hit my nose. I smiled and closed the door, prepared to go straight to the stove until I heard a slight moan. I frowned and made my way toward where the noise came from. When I got in front of his office door, the noises were a little louder. Either he was watching a porn, or someone was in there fucking.
“Oh fuck! I’m about to nut all in this pussy, baby.”
My eyebrows lifted. That was Mesani’s voice. Surely, he wasn’t… no. I opened the door and saw him sitting in his office chair with a woman on top of him. Both their backs were to me, so neither of them had even heard me enter the room. My insides were on fire. I grabbed the hard plastic vase from the table by the door and crossed the room and threw it at his head.
He yelled loudly as she turned and saw me. She hopped off his dick, only for me to see he wasn’t wearing a condom. My heart was racing, and I couldn’t slow it down if I tried. While he was trying to gather his bearings after the blow, I snatched that bitch by her hair and punched her in the face. She fell to the floor, and as badly as I wanted to dive on top of her, I concentrated on him. I punched him next.
“Cassie! Please! I’m sorry!”
I couldn’t formulate words to respond to him. I was just swinging and letting the blows land wherever. When he finally subdued me, I noticed the woman was gone. He had a huge knot on his bald head with a little blood coming from it. I was doing my best to escape his grasp, but it was of no use. When I had to stop struggling, I crumbled. I wasn’t a crier. I’d been through so much pain in my life until I’d learned to deal with it and move on.
I hadn’t cried over what someone else did that affected me since I was teenager. I vowed that same day that Kendrall kissed me that I would no longer give people that much power over me, especially my biological mother. She was a trash ass individual, and it was in my best interest to move on and accept that we would never have the relationship I desired.
But here I was… crying over what Mesani had done to me. I was blindsided. I’d never seen this coming. He loosened his grip, and I quickly escaped his grasp. “Cassie! Baby, please wait!”