Page 40 of Make Me Forget
Jakari almost choked. “Nigga, you gon’ get off my son though. I’ma bring him over to your house to keep you and Cassie company.”
“Like hell. Poor Angel look like a six-engine train done ran over her by the time y’all pick his lil ass up. I feel sorry for her every time I see her.”
“Nigga, shut up!”
He laughed so hard, but I was serious. JJ probably had Angel rethinking that whole idea about wanting a daycare. Jacey was bad, but she was no match for that nigga. Yendi must have been a bad child because I didn’t ever recall stories of Jakari being bad.
“Congratulations, though, man. I can’t wait to follow in y’all’s footsteps.”
“What’s up, y’all?” Decaurey said as he shook Jakari’s hand.
I gave him a head nod then a handshake. I was never really all that close to him since he was older and hung with Jakari, Nesha, and Jess, but I was loyal to my boys. Christian couldn’t stand his ass. Rylan had forgiven him for all the turmoil he put him through when he was just trying to love Angel the way she deserved, but Christian had said on several occasions, “Fuck that nigga.”
I was never rude to Decaurey, but I never really hung around him to engage in conversation either. I truly felt like if Rylan could forgive him and move on, then the rest of us should, too, but Christian wasn’t having it. As I walked away, I ran right into him.
“Nigga, you wanna watch where you going?”
I chuckled as I slapped his outstretched hand and gave him a half hug. “How’s everything?”
“It’s cool. I mean, I ain’t seen yo’ ass in over a week. Ever since Cassie moved in wit’ yo’ ass, sightings of you been scarce. Y’all coming to the house tomorrow?”
I slowly shook my head. “Says the man with a wife and a baby. I been tryna give y’all your space, like we did Rylan and Angel after they had Renzo. Yeah, we still coming, because I need to talk to you about Dad’s birthday party. My mama suggested we combine it with Grandpa’s since his birthday is only a week after Dad’s.”
“A’ight. We can do that.”
As we talked, I noticed Jacob and Uncle Storm in what looked to be a deep conversation. SS was over there too. “What’s up with Jacob?”
“Nothing, other than the usual. He keep getting unknown phone calls, but he knows it’s from that dumb bitch, Jameka. Like… how slow she gotta be to think he wouldn’t know it was her? I’m just grateful Courtney’s ass is still locked up.”
I slowly shook my head. “What about SS?”
“That civil trial gon’ be coming up in a hot minute. They are saying that the judge is a fucking friend of the other family. Mister Berotte is trying to get him to recuse himself. He’s claiming that he isn’t necessarily a friend of the family. He just knows them. Get the fuck outta here. Shy was pissed. That nigga way too hood to be a lawyer, I swear.”
Christian chuckled as I glanced over at Jacob again. His face was red, and he wasn’t as bright skinned as me. “Well, I guess we’ll be hearing more about that when the time gets closer. I just hope Jacob can get Jameka’s ass out of his life. I can’t see nothing good coming out of that, man. He gon’ mess around and end up in jail.”
“Hell yeah. Well, I’m gon’ holla at’chu tomorrow. I gotta go check on my women.”
I smiled and slapped his hand. Family looked good on Christian. As I was about to head out, Karima caught up with me, along with my dad. I frowned slightly, because they looked like there was something they wanted to say. Rima had already gotten everything moved to Nashville last week and had gotten back yesterday to spend time with the family.
“What’s up, y’all?”
Karima looked over at Dad, and he smiled slightly. Whatever it was couldn’t be bad. “I told the people I’m going to be working for in Nashville that you were my brother, and they about lost their minds. Turns out, the owner has show horses, and his son competes in reining. They would really be honored to meet you.”
I smiled slightly. “Hmm. They acting like I’m famous and shit.”
“Bruh, you are to them. They really admire your work. They asked if I was related to you since we have the same last name and are from the same town. When I said you were my big brother, I didn’t do anything but answer questions about you after that.”
“Well, I guess we gon’ have to make a trip before my next competition. You thinking about reining while you out there? Ain’t nobody can work a horse like you… well, maybe Aunt Tiffany, but that’s it.”
She giggled. “I’ve been thinking about it,” she responded as Dad kissed her head.
I could always see the love and pride he felt whenever he was around us. He put his hand to my head and swished it through my curls, making them bounce everywhere. My hair wasn’t quite as long as his was yet, but it was getting there. I needed to get to my mama so she could braid it for me. He pulled me to him and put his arm around me and the other around Karima.
“I’m beyond proud of both of you. Hopefully, Kingsley and Kane follow the examples the two of you have provided.”
I smiled at him as he walked us out. Before I could get in my truck, he said, “I’m just waiting on an announcement like Jakari just made. I feel like it won’t be long. For the record, I wanna be called Pop Pop.”
I slowly shook my head. These older Hendersons were thirsty as hell for grandbabies, but what they didn’t know was that I was just as thirsty to start my family too.