Page 122 of Broken Romeo
“Go on.” Keith grins. “I can’t wait to hear you sing again.”
Nerves bounce in my belly, and I tip my head back, finishing the rest of my Cosmo in a couple of gulps. “Oh, God. I have to sing. In front of Broadway actors.”
Keith laughs and stirs a tumbler of what’s now mostly ice. “Newsflash, Kate. You’re now a Broadway actor.”
Fuck. He’s right… kind of.
Keith pulls a business card from his pocket and hands it to me. “We should catch up soon… as friends, I mean. And away from all this.”
I slip his business card into my clutch and grin at him. “I would love that. Really.”
“Don’t take offense if you don’t see me after you sing. I’m probably going to slip out right after.” He waves a hand around the party. “All this isn’t really my scene.”
I glance around the party as well, realizing not for the first time how much Keith and I are alike. “I hear that. I’d rather be at home in pajamas right now.”
He leans in to give me another hug, whispering in my ear. “Of all the students I TA’d for, you were the one I most wanted to see make it, Kate. Break a leg up there.”
Warmth spirals down my chest as I respond, “Thank you.”
I didn’t think anyone at that school wanted me to succeed after that first semester. It would have been nice to have known Keith was in my corner back then, but rationally I know he was in just as precarious a position as I was.
With a deep breath, I make my way toward the piano. My stomach is swarming with bees, spinning and buzzing, and I think I might throw up the Cosmo I’d just finished.
Nolan gives me a big goofy grin. “You ready for this?”
“God no,” I whisper as Holden hands me a full glass of water. My throat feels dry. My voice, raspy. This is going to be a disaster.
“Aw, come on,” Nolan says.
Holden gives Nolan a quick, dirty look before addressing me. “You have to do this, Katherine,” he says quietly.
I know in my gut he’s right. If I can’t sing now, in front of a small group of peers, how can I expect myself to keep it together in a theater full of critics and thousands of audience members?
“Okay,” I say. “Let’s do this.”
“Yes!” Nolan claps his hands together and crosses to where two microphones are positioned while Amy takes her spot at the piano, leaving Holden and me standing off to the side. Alone. Together.
I take a few swigs of water and feel the warm press of Holden’s hand squeezing mine.
Holden holds my gaze steadily for a long moment while I breathe deeply. In and out. In and out.
In this room full of strangers, the sight of him is a lighthouse, beckoning me to safety. Or maybe he’s false hope and he’ll maroon me on the jagged rocks of the jetties. Only time will tell.
“You’re going to be spectacular,” he whispers in my ear. “And then after, we can make good on that other promise we talked about.”
Heat rushes to my skin, and I give him a look. “You can’t say things like that to me right before I’m about to perform.”
He gives me an amused grin. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“You’re right, I’m not. But you’re also right that I should try to maintain some decorum and professionalism in these moments.” He licks his bottom lip, and the sight of his talented tongue does things to my body. “I’ll be standing right over there. If you start to panic, find me.”
I roll my eyes at him. “We all know that me finding your eyes is anything but helpful in this situation. As evidenced by my audition.”
His grin widens. “You’re right. I’ll be over there in the back… so maybe avoid my eyes.”