Page 106 of Rebel Romeo
“Good point.” A small smile tilts Nolan’s mouth, but quickly vanishes.
Holden clears his throat. “Missy’s gone. She’s fired as a producer. Any chance you’d consider coming back to the show?”
Nolan presses his mouth into a firm line, seemingly pausing to think about the offer before he slowly shakes his head. “I actually just signed onto a new show. Some contemporary Romeo and Juliet retelling.” Holden and I share a look and I try to smother my smile. “The writer actually knows you both…”
“Keith,” I say, chuckling. “Yeah. We know him well.”
Nolan clears his throat. “Well, just so you know, he still wants you to play his Julie. The part is yours if you want it.”
Beside me, Holden inhales a sharp breath. “It’s a good part for you,” Holden whispers.
Surprised, I bring my gaze to Holden. Is he really giving my blessing to leave his show to go act with Nolan?
I guess my shock is evident in my expression because Holden rolls his eyes and tugs me into his side. “I don’t want you to leave our show, but I’m saying I’d understand if you did. Especially after everything Missy, my dad, and I put you through.” He squeezes my hip and drops his mouth to my ear. “It wouldn’t change a thing between us.”
That one little sentence cracks open every possibility. I had no idea until this moment how much my fear of losing Holden, of never seeing him again, has been driving my choices.
“Thank you for saying that.” I push onto my toes and brush my mouth to his. “But I want to see it through with Skyler. I owe it to her to open this show.”
If Missy had stayed on as a producer, I might have considered the offer more. But I meant what I said. I love this show and there were more pros than cons to staying on at this point. Firstly, it’s a musical, whereas Keith’s show isn’t. Plus, if I left now, so close to previews, I’d be putting the entire production in a bad position. For my first Broadway contract, I owe it to everyone to see it through.
Especially to myself.
“But please tell Keith thank you. For everything.”
Taking Holden’s hand, I pull out my apartment key and slide it into the top lock, pausing as I turn it to the right with a glance at Nolan. “You know I can’t let you inside, right?”
Yes, Nolan is my friend, but right now my loyalty lies with Jill. And letting Nolan in when she’s clearly avoiding him would be a betrayal of epic proportions.
“Yeah, I know,” he says and settles back down to sit on the floor.
“Are you going to stay here all night?” I ask.
With a nod, he folds his arm and leans back against the wall. “If that’s what it takes.”
“It might take a few nights.” Maybe more. I know my best friend better than anyone and she’s almost as stubborn as me.
“Mmm,” Nolan says, his eyes drifting closed. “I’ll remember to bring snacks tomorrow, then.”
I take Holden’s hand and pull him inside with me, leaving Nolan to sleep in our hallway.
As soon as the door shuts behind us, the tether snaps. Holden and I fuse together, his mouth on mine. Now that we’re here together, alone, without a single reason to stop us, I’m like a truck careening down a mountain with no breaks. It’s scary and exhilarating and I wouldn’t know how to stop even if I could.
Holden’s firm grip catches my hips and lifts me up, pulling me tight against him. “You okay?”
“Yes,” I murmur against his mouth. “Don’t stop.”
Don’t ever stop.
He carries me down the hall to my bedroom and kicks the door shut behind him before he lowers me onto my bed. The mattress dips beneath our weight as he crawls on top of me, bracing his weight on his elbows.
Nerves flutter in my belly. I’m definitely not a virgin anymore, but with Holden? It feels like it did that first time in college. My skin flushes and a current so strong shivers through my body, that it feels like a live wire is pressed to my spine.
With a sweep of my tongue, I wet my lips moaning as Holden’s large hands glide under my dress, gliding between my folds. His other hand captures the back of my head, and guiding my mouth to his, he sinks his teeth into my bottom lip.
A whimper tears from my throat when he pulls back and quickly shucks the clothes from his body.
My breath catches in my throat at the sight of him.