Page 65 of Rebel Romeo
I held my breath, awaiting her wrath. But all I was met with was a humored lift of her brow. As if she knew. She knew Addison was trying to get under her skin and using me to do so. And like the smart girl she was, she wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of victory.
God, I liked that about Katherine.
There were a lot of things to appreciate about her, but that was maybe my favorite.
A subconscious smile curled my lips and I arched my back, sliding Addison off of me and making sure she landed gently enough on her feet.
“Hey!” she cried with an exaggerated pout.
“I don’t do piggy back rides,” I said, then stalked down to the front row to take a seat next to Katherine. I wasn’t really sure how to do the boyfriend thing… not that I even was her boyfriend. Hell, our first date wasn’t even until tomorrow night. But for the first time since I’d met her, I was open to the idea. She was so different from anyone I’d ever met before. So who was to say that maybe this time could be different, too? Maybe she and I could and would have a different outcome than I’d had with Megan.
“Morning,” I said, leaning in and inhaling her sweet scent of roses and cherries as I handed her the cup of tea I brought today. I was careful not to let my mouth brush her ear, but she shivered anyway as the heat of my breath danced over her sensitive skin.
“Hey,” she said back with a shy smile and even though her hair was already tucked neatly behind her ears, she skimmed her fingers around, smoothing the hair there in a nervous tick.
“Everyone!” Professor McCay clapped her hands together, taking the steps to the stage two at a time. “I just got off the phone with an old friend of mine in Virginia. And I have very exciting news. They have an opening in their schedule at the Kennedy Center and they’ve asked us to bring the original show of Remy and Julie to the stage there! I don’t think I have to tell you what a boon this will be for not only Keith, but all of you. While we always hope for casting directors to come here for performances, we can’t always guarantee that. But a televised performance at the Kennedy Center will guarantee your faces in front of some of the biggest players in this industry.”
Around us, everyone murmured excitedly.
Even Katherine looked on at McCay wide-eyed and knee bouncing in excitement.
But I went numb.
I’d never acted in my life. And now all these people in this class were relying on me to get this right in order to secure their futures in this theater world. Furthermore, it just solidified the fact that this part, my part, should have gone to someone else. Someone who could truly benefit from being seen by all these big players.
Beside me, Katherine’s hand floated into the air.
“Yes Ms. Harris,” Professor McCay asked.
“When is this supposed to happen and how does it affect opening the show here at the college?”
“Ah, great question. The opening in the schedule at the Kennedy Center isn’t actually until next semester in January. But I think we should keep our original opening this semester, too. It will make for a good practice run. We’ve already had a lot of interest from casting directors and producers to come see our opening night here and with the televised performance, I think we can greatly increase that number. But I also think, depending on ticket sales, and of course Keith’s thesis project, we should continue workshopping his script next semester, too.”
Next semester? Did McCay seriously think I would continue to do this acting shit after the holiday break?
Practically reading my thoughts, McCay’s eyes settled directly onto me. “Now, I know a few of you aren’t planning on continuing your theater education after this fall semester, but I’m hoping that you’ll reconsider. Or at the very least consider joining us for the brush up rehearsals and the trip to Washington, DC.”
“Wait,” I blurted out. “When in January is the Kennedy Center thing?”
“January 9th.”
My entire body tensed, going clammy and cold. “I can’t do it.”
I felt Katherine whip around to look at me. “What?” she whispered. “Why not?”
“That’s our playoffs. If we make it…” Which we will. We always made it to the playoffs.
The entire theater went silent.
Not even McCay had a rebuttal for me.
I was letting everyone down, whichever way I looked at it. If I did the Kennedy Center show, I’d be letting down my team. If I don’t, I’m letting down the cast.
The black painted walls of the theater were closing in on me. The floor spinning beneath my feet. With shallow breaths, I dropped my head between my knees struggling to inhale deeply and failing.
“Holden?” The gentle weight of Katherine’s delicate hand pressed between my shoulder blades. “Are you okay?”
“I… I’ve gotta get out of here.” Springing to my feet, I took off down the aisle and out the door, not caring if I got a zero for the day. I couldn’t breathe.