Page 43 of Forbidden Romeo
My heart launches into my throat, choking me at my father’s own nickname for me.
I look down at my own mint chocolate chip and try to collect myself before tears and emotion fully takes over.
Immediately, Holden’s hand finds mine beneath the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Like he knows.
Of course he knows.
He knows me better than anyone. And he always has.
“And she’s an old friend from college, too?” Jamie asked, looking at me skeptically.
Megan’s lips thinned momentarily, but she quickly nodded. “Sort of. She was Holden’s friend in college and I met her back then, too.”
“And now she’s your girlfriend,” Jamie states, looking at Holden and me for confirmation.
“That’s right,” Holden says.
Jamie nods, seemingly satisfied with this answer. “Mom, can I go play on the jungle gym?” he asks, pointing at the playplace in the center of the ice cream shop.
“Sure, sweetie.”
With a kiss to the top of his head, he bounces out of his seat and takes off at full speed toward the slide.
And then, it’s just Megan, Holden, and me, sitting awkwardly with our rapidly melting ice cream.
“So…” Megan says, catching a dollop of whipped cream on her spoon. “We should probably do the paternity test soon.”
“Actually,” Holden says after clearing his throat, “Katherine and I were talking and… well, with my dad not wanting any part of his life, I’m not sure a paternity test is needed.”
Megan’s eyes narrow. “You don’t want the paternity test now?” she whispers, her voice venomous.
“Not because I don’t want to know!” Holden clarifies quickly. “But because I don’t care if I’m biologically his dad or not. We’d like to be a part of your family, Katherine and I. One way or another, he’s mine and just because my dad doesn’t want to step up doesn’t mean I won’t. I want to be his father regardless of what the test says.”
Her eyes shift to me. “And you’re okay with this?”
Slowly, I nod. “I love Holden. And any part of Holden’s life is part of my life.”
“And vice versa,” he clarifies with another squeeze of my hand.
“But he might be your brother,” Megan says.
“Maybe,” Holden says carefully. “But the important thing is he’s family. And regardless of how he’s family, guardians and parents can take many forms, right?”
Megan seems to regard us for the longest breath known to man. “I suppose. What about when he's older though? Don't you think he'll want to know who his real father is someday?"
At this, Holden falters. "I...I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead." He runs a hand through his hair anxiously. "You're right, he probably will want answers eventually. But we can cross that bridge when we come to it, can’t we?”
Megan crosses her arms, fixing Holden with a piercing gaze. "And what will you tell him then? That you were too scared to face the truth?"
Holden bristles at the accusation. "No, of course not. I'll tell him… that I chose to be his father no matter what. That DNA doesn't determine who cares for you and loves you. That's what matters most."
My eyes drift over to the playplace where Jamie was clambering up the plastic steps, oblivious to the grown-up drama unfolding at our table. He’s such a happy, carefree kid. This news could completely rock his world if not handled delicately.
As I watch Jamie zoom down the curly slide, laughter spilling from his lips, my heart aches. He’s so innocent right now. The worry creeps over me that he isn't ready for this truth. That he might resent all of us adults for keeping it from him.
Megan's eyes flash as she listens to Holden's response, her lips pressed into a thin line.