Page 84 of Forbidden Romeo
Five years earlier…
The cast party was fucking insane. Put a bunch of college students together on a normal weekend and we lose our minds. But a group of amped up theater kids in a big city rooming together in a fancy hotel paid for by someone else after their first huge performance together?
It was almost a guaranteed rager.
The music was so loud, it was vibrating my hair. Nate and Bailey had opened the door between their adjoining rooms to make one large party we could all fit in. Although ‘fit’ was a relative term. It was shoulder to shoulder.
Multiple people tried to hand me a red solo cup, but I already felt like shit. I didn’t need to add to that.
Even still, across the room, I watched as Katherine sipped from her cup chatting with Bailey and a couple other girls, the grin on her face infectious if I hadn’t already felt so fucking awful.
Still, it was a small consolation that she was so relaxed.
Seemingly without regret.
It made me breathe a little easier. Which was saying something because this party was stuffy as fuck. Twenty-something drunk, sweaty college kids jammed into two cheap hotel rooms? It wasn’t exactly my idea of a party.
Thankfully the rooms had balconies. I crossed through the sea of people and unlocked the door, swinging them both open. The cold January air stung as it whipped around me, but I didn’t mind. It was a relief as I stepped out onto the small ledge and leaned against the nearly frozen iron railing.
“And you say I’m bad for liking Jill. At least I didn’t fuck her in front of an audience.”
I spun around stunned. Not stunned to find Duncan there… in fact, I had almost counted on him coming after the game… But shocked to realize he knew.
But of course he knew. That guy knew me better than my own father did. “How did you?—”
“When the game finished, I rushed over and caught the second half of your show. Just in time to know that even though you’re a good actor—and you are a fucking good actor, Holden—you’re not that good. And neither is she.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I said, rubbing my eyes. Even if Katherine was fine with what happened, I wasn’t. Because I knew I wasn’t in the right state of mind. Tipsy and caught up in the heat of being on stage? It wasn’t an excuse for what we—I—did.
Duncan grabbed the red solo cup from my hand and tossed it over the side of the balcony. “That’s what’s wrong with you. You’ve got to stop drinking or you’re going to end up just like your mom.”
I nodded, knowing he was right. I yanked the flask from my back pocket and twisted open the cap, dumping the tiny bit of Mom’s remaining booze over the edge of the balcony, too.
“Not that you care, but we won the game tonight, by the way.”
“I do care, Duncan. I want the team to succeed. I just don’t want to be on it anymore.”
“And you’re sure this is what you want?” He gestured around at the party. “Frilly costumes. Eccentric, dramatic theater people, and …” He paused, reaching over to smear his finger across my eyelid. “Makeup?” Holding up his index finger, a black smudge trailed across it.
Across the room, Katherine’s blonde hair swayed with each step as she made her way through the colorful, boisterous crowd. Her gaze was fixed on me, her face lit up with a genuine smile, eyes sparkling in the dimly lit night.
“I’m sure,” I said.
“Because of a girl? You’re giving up your football career and law school over a girl?”
I shook my head. “She’s the reason why I found theater. But she’s not the reason I love it.” Or at least, not the only reason. “Football was never a career… and law school was the future my dad saw for me. Not what I saw for myself.”
“And you think you can do this… this acting thing? For real?”
I nodded. “I really think I can. For the first time, I’m really, really good at something. And I earned it because of my talent… not my dad’s name or donation.” Actually, in a way, I earned it in spite of those things.
Duncan snorted. “Isn’t your director engaged to your dad?”
“Yeah… but she wasn’t when I got the part initially. And trust me, I did everything possible not to get this part of Romeo. My dad all but forbade it.”
Duncan’s hand fell heavily to my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. A Fractured Juliet and her Forbidden Romeo. A perfect pair, huh?”