Page 86 of Forbidden Romeo
The pivotal and controversial bedroom scene positively smoldered with sensuality that would make even a porn star blush. In fact, what we saw performed tonight likely went beyond acting and perhaps even ventured into Sharon Stone/Michael Douglas territory. One source close to the show revealed that there was blood on the sheets of the bed after the scene and a few theater goers in the front row confirmed they’d seen it, too.”
Katherine and I exchanged a knowing look, an awkward beat of silence passing between us.
Bailey continued reading. “Was this merely a fine attention to detail by the props master to ensure we knew the virgin Juliet had been deflowered on her wedding night? Or is the chemistry between these actors more than just show? What I can tell you with the utmost certainty is that these two young thespians have bright futures and I have no doubt that we haven’t seen the last of Holden Dorsey or Kate Harris.”
The tension in the room was thicker than fog until Nate cleared his throat, holding his drink high in the air. “It’s a fucking rave, y’all!”
All at once, the music blared again, dancing resumed, and chatter began.
But one niggling thought itched at the back of my mind. Who was this source who saw the bloody sheets? And why the hell would they talk to the reviewer of all people, unless to sabotage us?
Katherine and I exchanged a troubled look as the party continued around us. This review was a disaster, painting us as reckless and unprofessional. Everyone else might have thought that was a rave, but Katherine and I knew the truth. That review could ruin us both.
I scanned the party, looking at every one of my cast mates until my eyes landed on Addison. She tossed her bright red hair behind her shoulder, giving me a sly smile and raised her cup in a mock toast before walking across the room, the large tote bag on her shoulder swinging with each sauntered step.
Of course it was Addison.
She was the nurse who came onstage with us after the scene. She could have easily seen the blood on the sheets. And she would have noticed that I was diverting from the blocking so I could take the sheets with me.
I thought she was walking toward us, but Addison stopped, a few feet in front of the balcony and pulled a chair over, hopping up to stand on it. “I’d like to make a toast!” she said. “To the two stars of our program! Whose acting has been praised nonstop, but as it turns out… may be more method than even McCay bargained for.”
“Addison—” I barked, but she quickly shut me down by pulling out the sheets that I had thrown out in my dressing room. She held them up so that everyone could see the blood stain dotting the center section.
Katherine's face flushed red with either embarrassment or anger, I wasn’t really sure, as Addison waved the bloody sheets in the air for all to see.
“Give me those!” Katherine yelled, lunging towards Addison, trying desperately to yank the sheets from her hands.
Addison laughed, hopping off the chair and yanking at the sheets in a twisted tug-of-war game.
“Stop! Just stop!” Katherine shrieked, tears streaking her face. “You win, Addison. You fucking win, okay?”
“I win? I didn’t have a fucking write up in the goddamn Washington Post saying I’m the next big thing! I didn’t fuck my costar on stage in front of hundreds of people on one of the most prestigious stages in the country!”
“Let go!” Katherine jerked the sheets so hard that the girls tumbled back outside onto the balcony, grunting as her back slammed into the railing, the sheets slipping through her fingers.
Addison smirked and snatched the sheets back out of Kate's grasp. "If you didn’t want everyone to know the truth about your little performance, why’d you do it? Why’d your boyfriend leave the sheets in his dressing room for anyone to find?"
Katherine lunged again for the sheets as Addison danced back, giggling. This time Katherine got a firm grip on them and pulled with all her might. But Addison still refused to let go and they grappled back and forth, the sheets stretching between them.
I rushed forward to steady Katherine as she was knocked yet again into the railing. “Both of you fucking stop it!” I shouted.
Behind Addison, Duncan stepped between the girls, racing over to try to help me break up the fight.
But with the slippery frost coating the balcony floor and the chaotic shoving, Duncan lost his footing. His arms windmilled frantically as he tipped backwards, toppling over the balcony railing. The party went silent except for Duncan's startled shout as he plunged downwards.
A sickening thud sounded from below. Several of our friends rushed to peer over the edge of the balcony in horror where Duncan lay crumpled and unmoving on the sidewalk three stories down.
Dropping the sheets, Katherine pressed a hand to her mouth, eyes wide.
Chaos descended around us while down below, Duncan remained lifeless and still as blood pooled beneath his head.
My sister gapes at me, her jaw slackened. “You never told me that,” Mallory says, her voice laced with disbelief. “Jesus. No wonder you fully withdrew emotionally after you got back from DC.”
I glance at Jill whose gaze is locked on her fingers, twisting in her lap. “No wonder we lost our ray of sunshine,” Jill whispers. “You lost your sparkle that day and you’ve only just started to get it back. Like a star trying to twinkle from behind a storm cloud.”
“It was… it was too hard. I knew Holden already blamed me for the accident—” As I try to speak, my throat constricts as if being squeezed by a strong hand. I struggle to push out words through the lump that has formed, trying to keep my emotions in check.