Page 29 of Hot Ghoul Summer
All I know is that I suddenly lean forward and kiss his startled mouth, and after a second, he kisses me back.
MOLLY KISSED ME. SHE’S still kissing me.
This isn’t just a little peck, this is a full-on proper snog, with her soft lips open and pulling on mine, her talented tongue sliding between my lips and dancing with mine.
I don’t even know how to contain the fluttering inside my chest, the feeling that this is so right—and also so wrong. We should wait. I don’t want Molly to think I expect “payment” for saving her or that I would force her to be with me.
“What are you doing?” I ask her when she pulls back to breathe. I don’t need air. I could have kept kissing her for hours. Maybe weeks.
“Kissing you?” Molly arches one eyebrow, and I like seeing that little snippet of sass come back into her soul (especially when it’s not bent on insulting me).
“Because... I’m pretty sure I was wrong about you.” She tilts her head, squinting at me. “You’re cute, too.”
“Thank you.”
“If I take everything I know about you out of the creepy kidnapper column and transfer it to the protective supernatural bodyguard list—” a little laugh bubbles out of her. “You’ve been amazing, and I’ve been a handful.”
“Can’t argue with that. But it’s worth it. Just you, you, yourself are worth it. You don’t have to... You don’t have to ‘offer’ anything for me to make sure you’re safe. In case that kiss was out of misplaced obligation.” I’m trying not to stammer. My palms are sweating. I don’t usually sweat.
For some reason, I think the fact that I’m a little nervous makes Molly feel better. (Misery loves company, eh?) All I know is that one minute she was smiling and nodding, and the next she was kissing me again.
“You’re sure we’re safe?” she whispers between kisses.
“No one gets in here without my say-so. I put Musketeer on guard duty, too.”
“He’s just a puppy!” Molly seems genuinely worried about my little freak of a mixed breed, and that makes me insanely happy.
“Oh, he has a uniform, just like me.” I snap my fingers and whistle once.
A huge three-headed dog the size of a Clydesdale suddenly bursts through the door, translucent body ringed in flames. All three heads are panting with sloppy tongues lolling. One stumpy tail wiggles his entire back end.
Molly’s single shriek dies abruptly as she realizes Musketeer is still a friendly goofball—at least to her.
“Musketeer. Settle.” I pat the bed next to me, and the next second he’s a small ball of fluff resting by our ankles. That’s right. Our ankles. Her legs are criss-crossed with mine. She’s clinging to me like I’m the hero, not the bad guy.
I should get up and patrol, but I want more of this. More clinging. More cuddling. More kisses.
More, full stop.
“If you let him outside, won’t there be lots of ghost moths and things?” she asks with a guilty smile, reaching down to ruffle the fur on each little head.
“Not unless they’re evil moths. Musketeer takes his duty very seriously—unlike when someone just lets him roam free in the yard to distract Sera.” I poke Molly’s shoulder lightly, and she tosses her thick, curling hair.
“It was a good plan. It worked.”
“And it almost got you kidnapped by four of Cross’s men.”
“Fair point.”
“This is different. I don’t normally ask him to ‘suit up,’ so he’ll be on his best behavior.” Please, God. “Go, boys. Do your thing.”
With a blast of blue and orange flame, Musketeer leaps off the bed and disappears through the door. “Should I clear off, too?” I offer again. I’m trying to be a gentleman, but parts of me don’t want to be. The last time I was with someone in a carnal sense was after a union Christmas party in 1983. My libido is being bossy and telling me I ought to give Molly every comfort—even physical ones.
“Do you want to stay?” Molly’s eyes are wide and still have puffiness all around them, reminding me of how scared she’s been and how hard she’s fought. She doesn’t deserve any of this and so many of the fears and tears were my fault.
“I would love to stay. I’d love to show that there are still good things in this world. I’m one of them.”