Page 53 of Hot Ghoul Summer
Sera slumps with a cry, falling to the ground.
“You got her! There. It’s all over. Good job,” Garmin says in a thin, high voice. His normally flushed face is the color of cream.
Cross says nothing. He looks at Garmin. Looks at me. Looks at the still body on the trail.
“Sorry, Gary. That wasn’t enough. I don’t know who killed Nicky. You say it was him. He says it was you.” The gun swings between Gary and me. “You also said it was the girl, Garmin. Were you lying then or now?”
“Then. I mean, no! I didn’t...”
“Grab him, boys. Grab them both.”
Show time!
I tug on my hood and burst into flame and scythe mode, eyes flaring with blue fire as Musketeer bounds from the woods, as big as the SUV he’s charging for.
Gloria swoops in, no longer the picture of beauty and friendliness, but a howling, translucent spirit with wild eyes and outstretched hands.
But Sera... Sera has a flair for the dramatic. She rises like a zombie, head slumped to one side, arms outstretched. “Gar-min. Gaaar-min,” she moans.
The chaos is beautiful. Gunshots fire, engines rev, and strong men start peeing their pants and praying.
Gary Garmin squeals like a castrated pig and revs his engine—driving straight toward Sera.
“Come up here, honey!” Gloria swoops in and yanks Sera aloft.
Garmin’s car smashes over Theo and one of his men before careening blindly down the trail.
“Musketeer, fetch!” I shout.
“Excuse me?”
I turn, wondering who the hell is crashing my party.
I’m face-to-face with a very confused-looking demon and a reaper in red. “Can I help you?”
“Well... We’re from Local 49. I’m Barry and this is Kevin. We’re here to pick up a Theo Cross and a Sy Russo?”
“Really?” I try not to break into a victory dance.
“Yeah, last-minute scroll adjustment. Killed in a hit-and-run?”
“Oh. Well, uh. They’re not mine, but I know who they are. There you go, mate.” I point to the smushed bodies of Theo and one of his henchmen.
“Girls?” I look up at Sera and Gloria.
“We’re going after the other two thugs, sweetie pie. I think we can turn those nasty men into darling choir boys, don’t you?” Gloria beams.
Sera rolls her eyes, but she’s smirking, her face now patterned bone and blazing eyes. “Let’s give it a try.”
“You do that, but get back to Molly, please. I don’t like leaving her alone.”
“Oh, Wesley will protect her. He’s quite a man, that man of mine,” Gloria gushes.
“Wonderful.” I have to find my dog—and the man who truly deserves to pay, the man who tried to sell my Molly out—three times and counting.
MUSKETEER LEAVES AN easy trail to follow. When I find him, he’s pawing at the roof of Garmin’s car, smashing it like a used soda can while Garmin curses and blubbers inside.
“You get out of that car right now,” I demand, marching over. “Musketeer, heel.”