Page 17 of Blinded By Love
“I know you have diabetes. I noticed the Dexcom on your arm. Chris’s little sister has one but it’s pink instead. I didn’t want to mention it because I know people are weird about their medical conditions.”
She isn’t wrong about that.
I’ve always been insecure about my diabetes. I hate talking about, thinking about it, and just it, in general. Having diabetes makes me feel so uncomfortable and I have mostly my dad to thank for that because he would always talk to me about trying to get rid of it even though it’s almost impossible to get rid of diabetes.
I have gotten better with mentioning I have diabetes, but I still don’t like it when people ask me what I have on my arm which is why I try to cover it sometimes and why I love it when it’s the winter time.
“Yea. I sometimes get like that.”
“If you need me to ever look out for you just let me know. I want to make sure you’re all good and everything. Especially when we go out.”
At that I smile because I’ve never had a friend who has looked out for me the way she just did now. It’s something as simple as that, that could make me smile and feel so happy and lucky to have her by my side.
“Okay. Thank you, Nat.”
She smiles at me. “Of course. You’re going to end up being my best friend. I want to make sure you know I got you and care for you.” She winks. “Now let’s stop being sappy and you can help me pick an outfit.”
There are so many areas to look at when you enter this chaos of a house. I have been to a few small house parties here and there but none of them ever looked like this.
I knew that Arizona colleges were party schools but I didn’t think they would consist of this.
There are people either making out against the wall of every corner of the house or on the couches. You could even see a glimpse of a few couples trying to tear away articles of clothing.
In one of the living rooms there are a bunch of people dancing and in the other there are people surrounding a table where you can see lines of white powder and clear baggies on the table filled with crystals. There are also multiple bongs on the table where people are smoking weed from.
I’m not judging anyone doing any of those things because I’ve had my fair share of trying out drugs. I remember trying Molly once and it was a good experience for a few hours but the downfall was where it hurt me mentally. I didn’t eat for three days which was bad for my diabetes and I was actually considering killing myself even though I would never want to do that.
After that I told myself I would never take Molly again.
I smoke weed every once in a while because it’s fun but I usually stay away from all of that because it ruins my creativity.
Natalia pulls me through the crowds of people who are all dancing, mingling or kissing. We make it to the kitchen where she stares at all of the different drinks.
Natalia is wearing a blue mini dress that compliments her tan skin and blonde hair beautifully. I took some pictures of her so that she could post them to Instagram and send them to Chris. Chris said she looks as beautiful as ever and to make sure we stay safe and pour our own drinks. He also mentioned trying to find Hayden if we need a ride and I laughed saying we won’t need him.
She looks up at me. “Do you want anything?”
“I’ll just get a shot of Fireball. You drink whatever and I’ll watch you,” I assure her and she smiles and starts pouring herself a drink and hands me the bottle of Fireball.
I don’t want to get super drunk because one of us needs to drive and also because I don’t quite trust Natalia to watch me and make sure I do my Lantus at midnight.
I like Natalia, don’t get me wrong but it’s hard for me to trust people when I barely know them. I’ve only known Natalia for about two weeks now. I can’t rely on her to watch me and make sure my diabetes is in control while I don’t do anything stupid.
Natalia downs her drink before throwing the empty cup in the trash can. “Wanna dance? I got my liquid courage so I’m all ready now,” Natalia says while smirking.
I wince after swallowing a shot of Fireball before nodding my head. Natalia laughs and grabs my hand before pulling me to the living room where people are dancing and grinding against one another. Some people are kissing sloppily on the dance floor and singing to “Love Lockdown” by Kanye.
Natalia starts dancing while resting her arms on my shoulders. I smile at her and dance while jumping to the music. Everyone in the living room is jumping up and down while screaming the lyrics to the song.
I bet they all feel the music seep in their veins and make their way into their soul as they all are drunk dancing.
Usually I would need a few shots of whiskey or vodka to make me want to dance but the way Natalia is dancing and smiling makes me not care and have fun.
It feels like we have been dancing for hours with how much my feet are hurting but it’s only been a few songs we’ve been dancing to when Natalia says she wants to get another drink.