Page 22 of Blinded By Love
“I don’t doubt it. I don’t think the car matters so much but the one who is driving the car, that's when you’re able to win a race.”
Kayden nods his head and I can tell he is in his own world again with a sad look in his eyes. “Yea. Well, I’m going to go back to work,” Kayden says, trying to conceal that sad look. “But think about it. I think it could be fun.”
I nod my head and smile at Kayden before he leaves to go back to work. As he leaves I can’t help but wonder what his story is and why he has that look in his eyes that makes him replay those sad memories in his mind.
“Now today’s lesson will be one of the most important ones we have,” the professor says as she walks towards her desk and pulls a Google docs tab on the big screen. “We will be having a big project due before Thanksgiving break. This will be considered part of your final exam so I want everyone to try their best on this.”
Even though I have one AirPod in, I can still hear a couple of students complaining about how she is already talking about the final exam even though we are at the end of September.
My mom is still trying to get a hold of me but I keep dodging her calls. My uncle keeps telling me I should just answer her but I’m not ready yet.
I feel like I can finally breathe without her.
The door of the classroom opens, automatically making my attention divert to the door where I see Hayden walk in.
He is wearing gray sweatpants and a black sweater with the hood up. How does he manage to still catch my attention when he looks like he just woke up? Hayden takes a seat in the back of the class, the same row I’m sitting in just at the opposite of the row.
Though I talk to his sister everyday and see her, I rarely talk to him. He will come to the diner with the boys and sometimes with Natalia but we never talk to each other. We simply glare and sometimes he will make a snarky comment which I ignore. He will call me princess to annoy me or “accidentally” graze his finger along my thigh when I take their order. Natalia always scolds him while the rest of the boys nag him about it. Kayden usually shakes his head before going on his phone.
I can tell he likes getting under my skin, especially at work where I can’t talk back but there is only so much from him I can take.
I still think about that kiss he might or might not have given me. It’s embedded in my mind and I wish I could just get rid of his lips from mine. Whenever I look down at his lips I’m taken back to that night and can’t help but blush.
As if Hayden feels my stare, he turns his head and stares at me. This time I don’t look away which makes him raise a single eyebrow, challenging me.
God, he is such an asshole.
“So the purpose of this assignment is to not only understand the terms you’re learning but also about yourself,” the professor says, which makes me look away from Hayden and at her. “This project will require partners of two. You will complete two essays in total. One about yourself and one about your partner. This assignment will also require you to get deep and intimate with your partner,” she says, making some students snicker. “Obviously some of you are going to be immature and think intimate will mean something else but it doesn’t.” She looks at her computer screen, clicking her mouse. “I will be printing out the specific instructions for you all and also posting them on my website for you guys to look at. I will be setting up partners today and you guys will be discussing the project and meeting times. This project will only be done outside of class. Our class times are for lectures, not homework or assignments.” She moves from her desk and grabs a stack of papers. “Now, I will be calling names and giving you this paper. Grab your bag and come to me when I call your name because you will be sitting next to your partner for this project.”
The professor starts calling out different names and people grab the papers, immediately looking at the name on the paper before moving to sit next to their partner.
I have a feeling I’m going to dread working on this project because I hate working with partners.
Whenever I work with partners, I’m always scared that I won’t be as smart as my partner and I will sound stupid to them. I get so insecure when working with anyone so it’s easier to work by myself.
In high school, I used to be in special education because I always had a hard time learning compared to most kids. I just never understood certain things and that made me feel stupid, especially when people pointed out my mistakes and degraded me for it.
“Jaclyn King,” the professor calls my name, making me grab my bag and walk down the stairs and meet her in front of her desk. I grab the paper and she says, “Good luck.”
I smile at her before she calls another name. I look down at the papers in my hand. My partner’s name on the top makes me freeze.
Hayden Night.
I look up from the papers and spot Hayden in the back, his eyes already dead set on mine. His gaze unsettles something in me. My stomach drops and I don’t know if I like that feeling or hate it.
Before I can overthink, I walk up the steps to where he is sitting. He watches me the entire time, his dark gaze on mine.
He looks like a dark angel sitting up there with his hood up, giving me a cold stare. He looks like he wants to kill me on the spot.
He can be so bipolar sometimes, it makes me insane.
Once I get to his row, I look at his legs that are spread wide and in my way. “Move so I can sit down,” I say but he doesn’t move an inch and instead he tilts his head slightly. I can’t help but look at his eyebrow piercing. It always catches my eye and I hate how it fits him. “Please don’t make this difficult for me. I don’t want any issues. I just want to get this project over with,” I say, almost sounding desperate.
Hayden’s jaw clenches and I notice his eyes go down to my lips making me automatically lick them. He moves his legs so I can make my way to the seat next to him. I place my bag on the floor and hand him one of the papers. He moves his eyes away from mine and reads the instructions on the paper. I try to keep my attention focused on the paper but it’s hard when he feels so close like he is suffocating me and taking my air away.