Page 32 of Blinded By Love
After taking hundreds of pictures for Natalia’s instagram, we’re in the car on our way to the party.
Music is playing lightly in the car while Natalia tries to figure out what to post on her instagram. Chris is driving and I am sitting in the back. Natalia is dressed as Harley Quinn while Chris is dressed as the Joker. His hair is purple and he has fake tattoos on his face and chest. Natalia did his hair and tattoos and I did Natalia’s hair and makeup the best I could. She said she couldn’t do it herself and needed help.
I’m not a makeup artist so it’s a good thing that Harley Quinn’s makeup doesn’t require much work.
I’m dressed as an angel. I am just wearing a white, off the shoulder mini dress with a white corset around my waist. My hair is curled in a half up, half down style with a ribbon tied in it and I have angel wings that are clipped to my corset.
I feel pretty. I feel confident in myself which is the first time in a long time. For Halloween I would always stay home and read or watch movies, I never really hung out with my old friends.
But going out with Natalia is fun and it makes me miss having a good group of friends. I haven’t been this excited to do something for Halloween in a while.
As Chris pulls up to the house, Natalia looks at Chris. “You sure you’re okay with being driver tonight?”
“Of course, just don’t do anything stupid.” Chris smiles at her in a teasing way which makes Natalia blush. Chris parks before he turns his head to look at me. “Anything I should know before letting you drink?”
I shake my head. “Not much. I already told you I took my night shot, my insulin is in my bag if my blood sugar gets high. You said you are pretty familiar with the symptoms of being high or low right?”
“Yea, my sister experiences highs and lows all the time.”
“You seriously don’t have to watch me though, Chris. If you want to drink, I don’t mind being the driver tonight,” I offer, feeling bad that he has to watch over me.
“No, I can’t drink because of football anyways. Plus it will be good practice to look out for my sister this way. I’ll take care of you Jaclyn,” Chris promises and my heart swells because I finally have friends that look out for me and care for me.
I smile at him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Chris turns off the car and we all get out to start walking towards the front door.
Natalia and I already took two shots at the house for a pregame. I took two Fireballs while Natalia took two Malibu. I am not tipsy but I am getting close. I already gave myself insulin too so I should be good if I drink or eat anything at all.
I hate that while we were at the apartment, my eyes kept going to Hayden’s door, wondering if he was in his room.
I hate that I was constantly wondering where he was and that I wanted to talk to him.
We finished the project last week in the library. He kept touching my hair and for some reason, I didn’t mind it. I wasn’t bothered, instead I enjoyed his touch. I liked how warm his finger felt against my cheek when he would touch a single strand.
At the same time I would hate that feeling because I can’t be feeling butterflies for a guy or forming crushes, especially on Hayden who seems to have this weird hatred towards me.
Last time I had feelings for a guy, I was destroyed.
When we walk in the house, the song “Where You Belong” by The Weeknd is playing throughout the house.
As usual, people are either grinding or dry humping one another against the walls, doing drugs and playing with powders on the coffee tables, and then drinking or dancing their little hearts out.
But Halloween parties are always more intense. People dance harder, do more drugs, and it's just more. It is the devil's night after all.
I’ve always been told that life changing things happen on Halloween and it’s not wrong.
“Drinks!” Natalia yells as she pulls mine and Chris’s hand through the crowd of people, trying to get us to the kitchen where the alcohol is. The counter tops are covered with chip bags and different types of alcohol. Natalia reaches for a cup and looks at me. “What do you want?”
“I’ll get the Smirnoff and then pour lemonade in there,” I tell Natalia which she goes ahead and does.
“I knew you were hiding somewhere.” I hear Max’s voice behind me. I turn my head and see him walking up to Chris, Natalia, and I. He is wearing a nerd costume. But he has no shirt on, just a blazer. Broken glasses are on his face and he has a big red hickey, smacked on his neck. “Like what you see, angel?” Max smirks at me.