Page 74 of Blinded By Love
I look at myself in the mirror and see there is a small wet patch on my black dress. I grab paper towels and wipe the dress, trying my best to make it at least a little more dry but it doesn’t do much.
I throw the paper towel in the trash and fix my dress. I do another once over before leaving the restroom, immediately bumping into a hard chest.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” I say before looking up and meeting dark blue eyes that look menacing.
“Hey, darling.” Eric smiles down at me, his hands on my waist almost sting and I want to push him away. Instead I step back but he still doesn’t let me go. “You remember me, right? I mean I’m sure Hayden told you about me considering how much time you guys are spending together.”
I try to free myself from his hold but he grips me tighter. “Please let me go. You’re hurting me,” I say at the same time he grabs my wrists and pulls me towards the other end of the hallway. Anxiety runs through my veins and I start to feel chills everywhere. Why does it feel like I am about to die all of a sudden? I feel low but I know I’m not. “Please let me go,” I beg but he still doesn’t let me go.
“Relax, Jaclyn. We’re just going to take a walk. I need to figure something out. I’m not going to hurt you as long as you comply.” I stay quiet, praying that Eric doesn’t kill or touch me. I just want to leave. I don’t feel comfortable, especially after how mad Hayden was last time he saw Eric touch me. Eric walks out of a back door and his grip on my wrists are still rough. I know I’ll probably bruise. “So you and Hayden? What’s up with you two?’
I furrow my eyebrows. “Nothing. He is just my best friend's brother. Nothing more.”
“Hard to believe,” Eric mutters as we walk around the building. “He looks at you differently and you, well you seem fascinated by him. Why is that?”
I ignore him.
He said he doesn’t want me to talk so I’m not going to talk.
Eventually we are in front of the club walking towards a group of guys who are standing near a black SUV. I don’t know why I have this feeling that there is someone behind those doors just as dangerous as Eric.
“What are you doing?” I ask Eric, trying to make him let go of me again because I don’t have a good feeling about any of this. I’m shaky and feel like my heart is going to drop. “Please, Eric, let me go.”
“Just wait.” Eric pulls out his phone and throws me to the guys standing by the car. They hold me by my arms making me not able to move a muscle. Eric types a few things on his phone while smirking. “About to prove him right,” Eric mutters, making me wonder who. “Gentleman, while we wait, meet Jaclyn. Jaclyn, these are my buddies.”
I look to my right and see a bald guy staring down at me with a creepy look on his face.
I close my eyes and pray. I pray that I can get out of the situation alive and unharmed because I am fucking terrified. I’ve never been in a situation like this so I don’t know what to do or what will happen to me.
“You motherfucker!” I hear a familiar voice yell as if God heard my prayers.
I open my eyes and see Hayden walking out of the building with no shirt on and wraps covering his fists.
Eric chuckles menacingly. “Knew it.” Eric walks up to Hayden. “Nice to-” Before Eric can finish, Hayden throws a punch across his face making Eric’s face swing to the side with a grunt leaving his lips. Eric laughs right after and wipes blood from his lip. “Wow I guess I underestimated how much you care for her didn’t I?”
Hayden pushes Eric’s chest. “You’re going to pay. I promise you Eric, you’ll fucking pay for touching her.” Hayden lands another punch to Eric making Eric laugh and fall to the floor.
Hayden walks past Eric and heads towards me. Eric’s friends let go of me, and Hayden grabs my arm and pulls me back towards the club.
“I don’t want to hear your voice Jaclyn so shut the fuck up and just walk.”
I pull over to the side of the street and get out. I go to the other side of the car and open the door for Jaclyn to let her get out.
She climbs out of the car and looks around at where we are. I look at her arms which are bare and see goosebumps rise on her skin. I close the door behind her and go to the trunk and get a sweater for her.
“Arms up,” I demand and she slowly raises her arms. I put the sweater on her and fix her hair by putting the strands behind her ears.
She looks up at me with wonder in her eyes and it makes my stomach dip. It’s foreign feeling this way towards someone and I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. I look down at her lips which are parted and it makes the blood in my body go south. I force my eyes to look at hers which are still staring at mine.
She looks at me like a god and I fucking love it.
I grab her hand and bring her towards the forest. “Where are we going?” she asks.