Page 112 of Blinded By Hate
Jaclyn thinks for a little bit before replying with. “One boy and one girl.”
“Any name ideas?” I ask, kissing her shoulder.
“I like the name Sydney a lot. I also like the name River or Easton too.”
“Sydney is pretty.”
Jaclyn looks up at me again. “What about you?”
“I like the name Isabelle, Belle for short.”
“Like Beauty and The Beast.”
Because I can’t help it, I lean down and kiss her.
“Jaclyn and I talked about having kids. I just loved thinking about the future with her. I liked the fact that she was going to be pregnant with my kids and living in a house together just enjoying life.” I explain to Freddie. “I guess I just jinxed it.”
“The universe is a very weird thing and fate is even weirder. You guys were put in this position for a reason. You don’t ever know the reason but it happened and you both are trying to do better for each other and Junior. What do I always tell you?”
“Everything always happens for a reason,” I mumble while rolling my eyes.
Freddie always tells me this.
Whenever I win a fight, get in my weird moods when I met Rowan, etc.
Freddie always told me that everything had a reason.
Now looking back at it, Jaclyn told me her doctor told her the same thing when she found out she had diabetes.
Everything happens for a reason.
And sometimes we may never know the reason.
“Exactly. The universe or God or whoever is in charge of this life, they have a plan. Jaclyn and you are both strong. You both love each other so much. I can tell, Natalia can tell, your family, everyone who has met you guys can tell. I’m not worried and neither should you.”
I nod my head. “What if she doesn’t love me anymore? What if she leaves again?”
“She won’t. And if she does then she’s just scared. Just be patient and trust that everything happens-”
“For a reason,” I repeat with him, making him nudge my shoulder as we chuckle.
“How was your vacation? We missed you here,” Jules says.
She’s sitting across from me in her chair with a notepad in front of her. I have mine laid on my lap.
It’s my first day back in the office and right when I walked out of the elevator, Jules' assistant told me that Jules wanted to see me.
She probably wants to go through the article with me in depth and then my next project.
“It was good. I had a good break from work and just regular life I guess,” I say with a kind smile on my face.
“I heard the wedding got canceled on the news. Any clue why? No statements were put out, TMZ just stated that Nicole and Hayden’s wedding was canceled.”