Page 114 of Blinded By Hate
“Hi,” Hayden replies. Us saying ‘hi’ was our thing. He would say a simple ‘hi’ making me smile and say it back. I don’t know why a simple ‘hi’ from him would always make me nervous or blush. “What are you doing?”
“I’m working right now. What’s up?”
“Nothing much. I finished training with Freddie. He told me to tell you he said ‘hello’.”
“I’ll have to catch up with him one of these days,” I say as Brandon watches me talk to Hayden on the phone.
“Yea, about that. I wanted to ask if you and Junior wanted to come to Utah for the weekend. I want my family to meet Junior and I want Junior to meet more of his family,” Hayden asks.
Is he fucking serious?
He is the one who wants time.
He needed time to process him being mad at me for keeping Junior away from him and now he wants to fucking go to Utah as a family?
He told me that not even 24 hours ago.
Is he okay or something?
“No. It’s too fast. I don’t want Junior meeting so many people at once. I need him to get used to being with you and the fact that you're his father now.”
“I’ve always been his father,” Hayden argues.
“Yes, but you are now in his life, and he needs to be comfortable with that and grow a relationship with you before meeting more people from your side. He all of a sudden can’t just have this whole other family after four years of not having one.”
“I want my son to meet my family.”
His son?
Is he kidding me?
What the fuck is his problem?
“I’m not saying no, Hayden, I’m just saying to wait for a little bit. Let Junior process his time with you and enjoy being with you.”
I can hear Hayden sigh over the phone making me assume he is a little frustrated.
“Okay. When are you off work?”
“I’ll be at your place at 6:00 for a movie night,” Hayden says before hanging up, not even giving me the chance to say no.
I toss the phone on the desk and rest my head against my chair before closing my eyes.
He’s making things so hard.
Why does everything have to be so hard?
I swear the pills weren’t making me feel this crazy.
It has to be the pills.
“Wow, you are in love. And it’s scaring you.”
I look at Brandon and furrow my eyebrows. “What?”